Advice About Adding Fish Please ....


Fish Crazy
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
North East
I currently have a 120 litre tank with an All pond Solutions 1400 litre per hour external filter and tank is well airated. My question is I currently have 9 lemon tetras, 5 beacon tetras & 8 rasboras and an albino plec.
I've been offered 30 fish of varying types (various tetras, 6 gouramis, 2 angel fish & a cat fish all from the same tank & all have been together although not known how long). I'm worried that if I add all these fish all at once (as the seller is wishing as I have asked to take them over several weeks but has been refused) there will obviously be a substantial nitrite/nitrate spike hence, is it possible to add this amount of fish in one go or do I pass on them?! .
Any help/advice greatly appreciated.

Pass on them. Many of them might not be suitable for your tank anyway, and you'd have the problem of rehoming them later.

Buy fish yourself, once you've worked out what's suitable :good:
Thanks for the reply. Thats what I was thinking but it was a heart over head scenario but will take your advice and pass on them.
Much appreciated for the quick response! .

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