Adding To Stock

Smith 13

New Member
Aug 8, 2012
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Hi there I've not long upgraded from a 90litre to a 180litre tank and now everything is settled would like some bigger fish(if poss).
Current stock
6 danios (zebra red faces)
8 neon tetras
5 cherry barbs
1 plec (not sure on type but told 6inch max?)
so you waited a whole 55mins for a reply? Be patient and I'm sure someone will be along with advice....
Dwarf gouramis are a good addition. they grow to about 5cm, i think (mine have and aren't growing anymore)
Loaches are good as well. I have pakistan loaches(yo-yo loaches) whih are very good in the tank. they eat snails and normal food. They grow to about 12cm.
You could go towards angefish which are pretty to look at but can be a pain as they can be very territorial and sometimes a bit violent to others. There are different sizes you can get. Anywhere from up to 15cm to 30cm.
You could also try Cichilds. They can be very nice fish but are aggressive so you will need to do a bit of research on whihc ones to get before you try these fish. I had a Convict Cichild and it was a lovely fish but he attacked my smaller gouramis so he had to go. There are lots of different types whith different colourations and patterns.
Hope this gives you a few ideas.
What's your water like, OP? Hard or soft?
Hard water I do like the dwarf gouramis the mrs not keen on angel fish, I just want to try n keep a frenidly colourfull tank
Maybe Bolivian rams or apistogrammas? Keyhole cichlids? Pearl gourami?

All those are relatively peaceful and do fine in harder water.
What kind of numbers would I be looking at? Don't wanna overload.
Most of those do best in pairs, but apistogrammas trios of 1 male, 2 females.

I would pick the one you like the best and then up your numbers of danios and tetras; they look so much better in larger numbers.
Ok cheers dwarf gouramis it is then best male female or male/male female/female?
Dwarf gouramis, in a tank that size, I'd say one male, two females (the males can be feisty little fish, and two females will spread his attention out more). Do be aware that some shops stock only male gouramis, as the females are not very brightly coloured, so you might need to look around for them.

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