Adding These Plants?


I take my fish for walks
Global Moderator ⚒️
May 2, 2009
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So here's how my tank currently looks:

I obviously need to get rid of some of the java moss but I'm planning on starting to dose Neutro CO2 daily and adding the following plants:
Cryptocoryne Wendtii
Corkscrew Vallis
Amazon Sword
If any, what other plants do you suggest?
I think I'm also going to get a nice bit of Redmoor wood :)
I actually think what you have is really nice. I especially like the moss and if it were mine I'd not trim it too much. Just maybe move the wood the fern and moss is on more to the left, put some Vallis to the back right/middle and then put the crypts at the front left and right.
Lunar Jetman said:
I actually think what you have is really nice.
Apart from the background! I've already ripped that off though ready for a new, plain black one to go on with more than just rolled over cellotape. :)
I'm imagining your layout in my head now, I think it would look great! I would need to be careful with the large piece of wood with the java fern attached though because my BN loves it under there, wafting the sand about all the time.
I think the moss just needs spreading out a little bit and maybe attaching to a piece of redmoor wood to put somewhere? It just takes up too much of the tank at the minute and is pretty dull. Even if it's nice and green :)
Fair enough re the background. I didn't think it was that bad but plain is better. Mine is a dark blue.

Re the moss, I think you should wait until you have additional plants before you trim it as you might like it or not want to trim as much. The overall effect may be different with more plants.
I'm just trying to find somewhere online that has them in stock, silly bank holiday! :p

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