Adding Schooling Fish To My Tank?


Fish Crazy
Jul 26, 2013
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Hey everyone, I have a fairly simple question. If i wanted to add a school of Corys to my tank how should i go about it? I have read only add 1-3 fish a week but corys need a school of 6. I don't want to overload the bioload of the tank but i don't want the mini-school of new fish to get stressed because they are outnumbered or too shy to eat. Is it better to go put in all 6? or 3 a week for two weeks?
A little more information would make this easier... What size is the tank, what fish are in the tank currently (or has it recently been fishlessly cycled)?
 i added all of of my cories and they were fine , but the new ones took a while to join the existing school, of course you could both ways.
Tank is 29G, 4 mollies, became fully cycled about 2 weeks ago
if the water readings are on point then i dont see why not it.
Alright thanks, i was just wondering because of the warnings the LFS gives you
Well, adding 6 cories can be dangerous if you are unprepared...
My bigger concern is that many of the cories require much different water parameters from mollys.
mollies are hardy though so i think you wouldnt need saltinity.
Its not about salinity as much as hardness.  Mollys are hardy, but are much more susceptible to disease if kept in soft water.  Their hardiness is in response to the other end of the spectrum... hard water, brackish and even full marine.
oh well i have no clue on mollies then more of a guppy guy if you know what i mean

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