Adding Pygmy Corys


Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2022
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
So I ordered 10 Pygmy Corys that I'm picking up next week, for a 10 gal tank, my question though is Can I put them in all at the same time or do I need to break it up say 6 one week and then 4 the next?
Agreed, all at once. Then monitor water, water change as needed - especially if ammonia or nitrites ever go above zero, or nitrates go above 20ppm.
Pygmies are adorable little fish, enjoy them!
Definitely, all together at the same time. Applies to all shoaling fish [= fish that need a group of the species].
And I got a follow question. I've heard you know when you put new fish in tank to keep the lights off to keep them calm which I understand. But I've also heard not to feed them the first day? Have any of you heard of this?
And I got a follow question. I've heard you know when you put new fish in tank to keep the lights off to keep them calm which I understand. But I've also heard not to feed them the first day? Have any of you heard of this?
Yes, lights off for an hour or more to reduce stress and no food until the next day to allow them to calm and settle before attempting to digest anything.
So dude at my LFS was supposed to order me 10 Pygmy Corys but said he tried but they were unavailable. I found a different LFS that had habrosus Cory which I've also considering but only getting 7 of them. But he only had 4. Should I go get the four and wait for more to come in. I don't know which one to get pygmy or habrosus. I also don't want to rush into getting them, but I'm also super excited about it and I'm not a patient person.
What other fish are in the 10g, I would always be reluctant to add that many fish to a small tank all at once.
What other fish are in the 10g, I would always be reluctant to add that many fish to a small tank all at once.
Guys at top of thread ^ said to do it all at once. That's basically all I'm basing my decision on. Now remember these are very small fish. It'll be a 10 gal tank, no other inhabitants. I currently have a Betta but it's probably being relocated, I got a small 5.5 ready for her. I've heard not to do it all at once and I've just been told to do it all at once, so what's my pros and cons? Remember this..... I just want them to survive.
I'm very good about testing tank conditions and water changes. I'm very much on top of it. I've got OCD about taking care of my pets. So take that into consideration. So.......all ten pygmy or all 7 Habrosus at once or broken up? And also which fish you think I should go with.:)
Your big risk adding them all at once is that if you don't have a lot of plants and your tank is alkaline and maybe not running to full capacity you are then likely to get an Ammonia spike on your system and be in trouble. The Ammonia spike may not come from the fish but from the fact that you will feed the tank more.
Whichever way you go, just add them all at once but give them something to play with to amuse themselves.

Lights on my tank entry are getting switched off this evening
I'm very good about testing tank conditions and water changes. I'm very much on top of it. I've got OCD about taking care of my pets. So take that into consideration. So.......all ten pygmy or all 7 Habrosus at once or broken up? And also which fish you think I should go with.:)
Your choice on pygmy or habrosus.

All at once pros:
fish feel much more secure having the shoal they need, less stress therefore reduced chance of succumbing to illnesses. Shoal establishes hierarchy quicker and this process only happens once which is easier on the fish.

All at once cons:
possibly slightly more chance of ammonia spike in an uncycled tank. "Possibly" as secure fish in a shoal may produce less ammonia than stressed fish without a shoal.
I would never recommend adding fish to an uncycled tank.

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