Adding New Fish

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Fish Fanatic
Dec 23, 2012
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Looking for suggestions on new fish to add next week to my current set up - added the following one week ago and all the fish are doing really well. Water stats are perfect.

Tank - 250ltrs
Pictures here...


6 x Cardinal Neons
6 x Glowlight Tetras
6 x Black Neon Tetras
6 x X-Ray Tetras
2 x Pearl Gourami

Really like the following...

Glowlight Danios - unsure whether the gouramis would get on with these fish?
yo yo loach - again unsure if they's like sand substrate?
Gold Tetras

Any suggestions welcome
Jack :)
So many tetras @.@ 26 fish already. I think mid swimming is abit packed. Maybe some corys or kuhlis?
Thanks - like the kulies and corys but have a gravel substrate and I was advised they prefer sand
They do prefer the sand, IMHO, but that doesn't mean that you can't have them on gravel. Is the gravel rounded? If so, they should be just fine. Or, you can do a substrate swap - always an adventure. ;) Or even a partial swap, and remove some of the gravel from one area of the tank, and put sand just in that area as a "beach" of sorts, and decide what to do from there.

I'd stay away from mid-top swimmers though... Definitely best to add to the uninhabited regions of the tank.
Thanks - the substrate is kinda rounded stones - not too sure - have a look at my photos where you can see my gravel
Looks pretty rounded to me. ;)
cheers - really was thinking of the cories before - got me thinking of them again :)

Always liked the julii cories - my local LFS stocks them at 2 for £20 - someone earlier advised me that 6 of them would be fine for my tank but not too sure with my current stock
Cories don't bother any other fish... they just do their own thing - the only concern would be if someone bothered them. With your current stocking, 6 would be fine, but that would pretty much be the end of the additions... that would be a pretty full tank. The nice thing about the cories though is that they will add a lot more movement to the bottom areas of your tank. Be sure to offer some sort of cover for them, as it helps them to feel more secure, and you'll see them out a lot more. (Ironically.)
Thanks very much for the advice - I've decided to hold off with the cories 'til next year

Don't know what else to get now, back to the drawing board for me
If you go for the false Julii cories (even if there labelled Julii there probably false Julii not that it makes any difference to an untrained eye like mine) make sure you shop around.

I've found prices varying from £12 to £3 in shops within a five mile radius - don't pay over £5 unless you can't get them anywhere else.

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