Adding Fish To Cycled Tank

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New Member
Aug 23, 2012
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Manchester, England
I have a recently cycled my 180L tank and have added 6 leopard danios. How long should i wait until i add more fish? i also have a platy in another tank waiting to be transferred over.
you can add fish into the tank whenever you feel is ready, usually adding fish every other week.. yes its slow, but then again if you fish dies then you can swap etc. you want to add fish to the tank in small numbers. and never add the store water from the bag into the tank because that is how you can get diseases in the tanks.
Did you do a fishless cycle with ammonia like in the help pages here? If so, I was under the impression that it would be pretty important to stock quickly after that in order to maintain the bacteria you have developed.
i did a fishless cycle with kleen off ammonia. it took 3 weeks using mature filter media in my filter. just dont want to ruin it by being impatient ha
I understand! Wait for someone to confirm, but I think if you understock then a lot of the bacteria will die off because it will not have enough feeding it (ammonia from the fish waste). Then you could basically go through a mini-cycle at some point, which isn't ideal for the fish.

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