- AC - Activated Carbon
- AIO - All In One (usually for full set up tanks in one package from LFS)
- ALK - Alkalinity
- ATO - Automatic Top Off
- BB - Bare Bottom: meaning no substrate in the tank (i.e. no sand, no gravel)
- BB - Beneficial Bacteria
- BBA - A pest algae: Black Brush Algae
- BPM - Bubbles Per Minute (for C02 hi tech system)
- BTA - Bubble Tip Anemone
- CAE - Chinese Algae Eater
- CO3 - Carbonate
- Cu - Copper
- CUC - Clean up Crew: snails, crabs, etc. used to clean up detritus and algae, mostly a marine tank term.
- DHG - Plant: Dwarf Hair Grass
- DIY - Do it yourself
- DOC - Dissolved Organic Carbon
- DSB - Deep Sand Bed
- DT - Display Tank
- FOWLR - Fish Only With Live Rock
- FTS - Full Tank Shot: meaning a photograph showing the entire tank
- FW - Fresh Water
- GAC - Granular Activated Carbon: dissolved organics and toxin remover
- GFO - Granular Ferric Oxide: phosphate remover
- GSP - Fish: Green Spotted Puffer or Coral: Green Star Polyps
- HC - A Plant: Hemianthus callitrichoides or Dwarf Baby Tears
- HLLE - Fish Disease: Head and Lateral Line Erosion
- HOB - Hang on Back (of tank)
- IAL - Indian Almond Leaves
- KH - Carbonate Hardness
- LFS - Local Fish Store
- LPS - Large Polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
- LPS - Local Pet Store
- MTS - Malaysian Trumpet Snail/s
- MTS - Multiple Tank Syndrome
- NH3 - Ammonia: free form
- NH4+ - Ammonium Ion
- NO2 - Nitrite
- NO3 - Nitrate
- O2 - Oxygen
- PAR - Photosynthetically Available Radiation
- pH - Potenz (power) Hydrogen or Potential Hydrogen: the pH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance is.
- PO4 - Phosphate
- PPM - Parts Per Million (mass measurement)
- QT - Quarantine Tank
- RBTA - Rose Bubble Tip Anemone
- RO - Water Purification: Reverse Osmosis
- RO/DI - Water Purification: Reverse Osmosis/ Deionization
- SPS - Small Polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
- TDS - Total Dissolved Solids
- TFF - Tropical Fish Forums
- TOTM - Tank Of The Month also FOTM - Fish Of The Month