ACF okay with an Oscar?


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
I am terrified of frogs so I was thinking with my new 120 gallon I would maybe add an ACF and maybe get over my fear? But there would be an albino oscar in it. Would the Oscar have frog legs for dinner or would he leave it alone?
Paul_MTS said:
The oscar would very likely make like a frenchman and gobble the frog up.
Okie dokie. Thanks for the help. I was just wondering if it would work out, guess not. :p
Hi Raechal :)

Please don't even try keeping an ACF with an oscar; he wouldn't stand a chance. :X

Frankly, ACFs aren't the brightest creatures in the world. They just sort of hang out and wait for food to float by. They have big mouths, and fast reflexes when the occasion arises, but they are not aggressive in the way an oscar is. I could be wrong, but from watching mine, I don't think they are likely even be aware that danger is lurking nearby.

I never thought about this before, and would be interested to hear from anyone who has information about this. :D

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