Acclimating And Feeding Crystal Red Shrimp


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Jun 13, 2012
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New to the shrimp business. Have a couple ordered for different tanks. Both are well planted and will have fish. How do I acclimate them on arrival and will they live on plants and bottom waste ?
Crystal reds I've found are very sensitive to water quality & changes.
Take your time acclimatising them using the drip method.
If your tank is well planted & has some moss they'll find the food they need, though an occasional sinking wafer goes down well with them.
They won't eat fish waste, though they will clean up any uneaten food
The higher the grade of crystal the more fussy they are with regards to water quality, they are also very fussy about water temp, constant temps of over 28 degrees C and they will drop off pretty quickly they seem to do best around 22-25 degrees C.
Great shrimp and if I had a chiller for at least one of my tanks I would keep them again.

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