Absolutely Love Our New Rainbowfish!


Bitter & Clinging...
Oct 22, 2011
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We recently added (3) Turquoise Rainbowfish to my son's 55 gallon and they are awesome.  Can anyone tell me more about them, especially how to sex them, etc?  We'd like to add some Bosemani Rainbows also, how do they get along with the Turquoise?  How about Dwarf Rainbows?  What others are available?

I did try to research these on various sites but I haven't learned much................. 
Boesamani, turquoise and the dwarf rainbowfish will get on fine I have them also with some red rainbows altho they do get a bit bigger
im hoping my next tank will be a rainbow tank, any pics?
These fish are sooooo hard to get a good picture of...............
I'll see what I can do later when their lights come on.  Maybe I can do a short video instead?

Ch4rlie said:
I am a fan of Rainbowfish too!
I have a species only tank which has Threadfin Rainbowfish and love watching these guys flare and showing their characters. Keep these guys with snails and RCS. 
This is a link for Threadfins
And a list of other species of Rainbowfish FYI as well
Thanks for the link!
richpowell1989 said:
Boesamani, turquoise and the dwarf rainbowfish will get on fine I have them also with some red rainbows altho they do get a bit bigger
I've yet to see the Red Rainbows available around here but I'm still looking...............
'Just had an impulse buy today and ended up bringing home 4 Australian Rainbows and 1 Bosemani Rainbow to add to my son's 55 gallon.   I know, Rainbows need to be in larger con specific groups, but this Bosemani was a spectacular specimen and he was the only one available.  We plan to get more Boseman's Ranbows in the very near future but we'll wait for the good bacteria to keep up with the added bio load.
Anyway we added them earlier today and so far so good, they're hanging out with the 3 Turquoise Rainbows as we speak.  I'll see if I can get some pictures up in a little bit............

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