About Time I Asked An Algae Related Question !


Fish Fanatic
Jul 30, 2005
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Hi All,

Tank seems to have been going fine since I started it in September, getting the "normal" green algae growing on the glass which I periodically clean off, also got some hair type stuff on the plants, nothing too bad that a bit of manual intervention can't control.

But, I've also had a couple of patches of dark green algae which you can take off in one piece, like a little blanket. Had this on and off for a while nothing too bad so far, but I think that might be changing, the leaves on some of my plants are getting covered and the stuff is growing more on the gravel, albeit very light at the moment, I vacuum a couple of times a week (battery vac, water stays in tank) this must help to keep it at bay. When I take any of this stuff out it smelly very earthy as well not particularly unpleasant.

Anyway tanks stats: 180 litres (40 US gals), original Juwel lights which are 50W, no CO2, plants 2 clumps of Cryptocoryne Wendtii, 2 clumps of Dwarf Sagittaria, hygrophila polysperma, Elodea densa, Hydrilla verticiliata, some amazon swords and a clump of a red plant who's lower leaves are starting to rot and are covered in algae (I'll be taking these out tomorrow, trimming the tops which are good and putting them back).

Since my tank cycled I never detected any ammonia or Nitrites, but most times I check the nitrates they seem to be 10 - 20 ppm (as best I can tell, colours on the test kit are pants but that's another story).

So I'd really like some ideas on what to do for the best, would upping the lighting help, but would this then mean I have to add CO2, what else should I be looking to test for.

As always any advice greatly appreciated.

It sounds like bga...

Heres a link to a thread I started a while back: (it has a piccy of my bga)

and further down that post is a pic at its worse.

I also had it in my 20 gallon. I tried 2 blackouts on my 20 and one on my 5 and altho it seemed to kill it, it came back within a couple of weeks. I would really recommend maracyn if you can get hold of it.

Hi Houndour,

Yeah, saw that thread when I was checking out other peoples experiences, hopefully I'll get some maracyn this week, so I can give that a try and hopefully that will clear it, once I've used this stuff will the BGA come back?


I don't think you can guarantee it. I can only tell you from my experience that the post was written August 23rd...since dosing maracyn in 5 gallon, it's not come back. I didn't have any fish though so I overdosed.

And about 3 weeks after that date I think I did my 20 gallon. That had fish and shrimp in. Again I was so paranoid I did 1 extra day of dosing :S. All fish are still alive though. But my bacteria died off and I had a cycle occur. No sign of bga coming back yet :)

Some websites recommend dosing half the recommendation...its down to you in the end. But make sure you dose for the full 5 days. (just the same as the doctor would tell you to continue a course even though you feel better).
Eeek, not sure I like the idea of killing my bacteria! Maybe I could half dose initially as there isn't that much BGA and just see how I get on.



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