I have become obsessed with bettas! I've never been more attached to a fish before
Sam is doing really well living in his tank with Eddie the snail.

My other tank was housing a few balloon mollies and 2 catfish.. now all but 1 of the balloon mollies have died.
I'm thinking its too small of a tank to keep balloon mollies (now that I've done more reasearch)
my friend owns a much larger tank and she is going to keep my remaining molly.
So I was thinking I'd turn the tank into another fighter tank
question is though can I keep my two catfish? one is a peppered cat fish and the other is an albino catfish they are quite small.
Would the fighting fish bother them?
And I'm assuming its safe to add the betta into the tank when its already been up and running for months with a filter already going?
Oh and the tank is 28L

thanks for any advice

Sam is doing really well living in his tank with Eddie the snail.

My other tank was housing a few balloon mollies and 2 catfish.. now all but 1 of the balloon mollies have died.
I'm thinking its too small of a tank to keep balloon mollies (now that I've done more reasearch)
my friend owns a much larger tank and she is going to keep my remaining molly.
So I was thinking I'd turn the tank into another fighter tank

question is though can I keep my two catfish? one is a peppered cat fish and the other is an albino catfish they are quite small.
Would the fighting fish bother them?
And I'm assuming its safe to add the betta into the tank when its already been up and running for months with a filter already going?
Oh and the tank is 28L

thanks for any advice