A Question About Feather Fins


New Member
Dec 16, 2006
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Ok as I have just purchased myself a rather nice feather fin for my tank I was just wondering in comparison to other cat fish how hard are they to keep I have cory's in my other tank and they have all been rather easy to keep. And a couple of bristlenose catfish I had a few years ago when I owned fish another cat fish cant remember what it was called had like an eel type body kinda looked simular to a cobbler now I was just wondering if they would be any harder then these fish to keep my featherfin is living in a tank with my 2 oscars he has hiding spots and stuff.
Any info would be great thanks....
Ok as I have just purchased myself a rather nice feather fin for my tank I was just wondering in comparison to other cat fish how hard are they to keep I have cory's in my other tank and they have all been rather easy to keep. And a couple of bristlenose catfish I had a few years ago when I owned fish another cat fish cant remember what it was called had like an eel type body kinda looked simular to a cobbler now I was just wondering if they would be any harder then these fish to keep my featherfin is living in a tank with my 2 oscars he has hiding spots and stuff.
Any info would be great thanks....

Synodontis eupterus are a very easy fish to keep provided you have the space, (which in this case looks like you do).
thank you so much for your help yeah he's got plenty of space to swim etc...
I was going to just have the one he seems to like my big oscar is always swimming around with it.

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