A present for a prof


Married Lizard
Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Residing in a big city in Minnesota, but I'm a cou
Tonight I was over in the meteorology wing of the college. I'm good friends with the professor's daughter, and with him. Nice people. Anyway, a couple friends and I were going to Wal-Mart (today was payday!) and I mentioned to the professor that I was going and had gotten a paycheck today. He jokingly told me to get him something and I said okay.

On the way to Wal-Mart I thought about what I could get him. His daughter and I finally decided on a couple of Bettas (now, before you tell me it's a bad idea to give someone fish as a present let me tell you that I understand that; this person has owned fish for a long time and still owns them, as does his daughter) :) We each got him a Betta, then put them in one of my dual Betta Hex tanks with some gravel and an anacharus "sprig" (in each side) and gave them to him! It was so much fun! He was very happy about them :nod: :) One of them was a gorgeous steel blue male :wub: I wanted him, but I really don't need any more Bettas. Now I can go visit him in Doc's office :nod:

It was a fun trip! I don't think the professor (Doc) actually expected me to get him anything. Silly him :p

aka Lizard
Hi lizard !

Sound like you had a lot of fun! :D

Was this before or after you got that "A"? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Does he have his own tank? If so, he is a meterology professor get him a weather loach.

Rick 8)
chaotica2010 said:
Does he have his own tank? If so, he is a meterology professor get him a weather loach.

Rick 8)
I like the weather loach idea :) (I'd imagine a weather loach is a bit more expensive than a Betta though....) He has two 55 gallon tanks. One has two huge, old (~10 years) Plecos and a Cory Cat and the other has an Oscar and two little Plecos.

aka Lizard
Hi lizard :)

Actually, a weather loach isn't any more expensive than a betta. Around here I pay around $3 for either one. The loach would be small, however, around the size of a kuhli loach and will grow. They are quite active and interesting. They got their name because it is said that they become even more active before a storm.

But, if he only has one cory cat, getting him a couple more would be something to think about as well.

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