A New Era


Jul 14, 2011
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So just as of yesturday I picked up a larger tank.
It may only be small in comparison to some of yours. But for me this is a big tank. I only ever have ad 60ltr tanks.

I placed everything in this beast of a tank from my smaller 60ltr.
Though in my mad rush to set up. I want to change my plants around or just sort it out better.

I currently have 10 cardinals and 3 ember terra. I know, I know 3 ember is not a big enough group. I had 6 but 3 past away. I am going to get three more today and take in the synod I picked up with my tank.
My pick up some plant ferts too.
I have an overly large anubias on a coconut shell. A smaller anubias on driftwood along with a java fern. Then a nice slab of crypt (it a roots are freaking massive o_O like aeast 50cm massive) when I took it out my 60ltr I couldn't believe how big it actually was.
I have salvia n too. And some carpeting plants I will get the names of later.
The cp however have not developed yet so I hope they take off as I'd love the whole tank covered :)

I have a pair of d gourami on the way for Tuesday. Traded some anubias in for those at my lfs. Which are amazing, they will order me anything and everything!

I'm going to try my best and update you as I add new things and each month to help show the plants too :)

I'm currently sat with a coffee watching my schol of tetra patrol the tank. I've had them for so long now they arnt nervous or shy. They swim right out in the open and at the front of the tank. I have one with one eye also. Yes doing fine. And I have no idea how he lost his eye but it's clean and literally looks like it just fell out. You wouldn't even notice he had one eye unless you sat like me with your face pressed up to the glass xD

Anyways here's the first pictures :D

Oh I also have a possible cllown pleco. Though could be a common. So I am waiting to get a picture so someone can I'
d him


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So here we already have an update :D
Woohoo !!

Picked up four ember tetra to up my group to seven :3

Here is my mature fully grown ember. He really is a deep red , darker than the other two. Perhaps the male of the group :)

And then the four newbies. Looking far to pale through too brighter lights and a little stress no doubt. These guys will darken as the months go by :3

The saying hello moments :)


And they are free!!


Video coming very soon :D
Nice tank and great pics :)
Glad you picked up more embers, they'll be all the better for that ;)
Now, need to ID the possible clown or common pleco you may have....
Thank you :)
Will be another update on Tuesday when I collect my d gourami :3
I can't wait :D
Love the lush planting in your tank.  And gratz on the new additions!  A shoal of schooling fish is beautiful - great call on adding more tetras, they're so much more fun to watch in larger groups
ericNH said:
Love the lush planting in your tank.  And gratz on the new additions!  A shoal of schooling fish is beautiful - great call on adding more tetras, they're so much more fun to watch in larger groups :good:
Thank you :3
Hopeing my anubias Will spruce again. It was double the size and in a tank half it's size xD
As was my crypts.
Indeed they do look better in bigger groups :)
They were happy to swim with the cardinals to be honest. They acted like them. Followed them around all the time. But now I have more embers they have separated more from them however 3 of them seem to swim about on their own xD
Update: someone has indeed identified the plec as a clown plec :3 therefore I shall be keeping him/her yay!
Glad it's a clown plec :) Tank looks lovely and glad you got some more ember tetras, they're super cute!
Thank you :3
They are so cute right! I may even get another 7 of them get a nice sized group
A funny update xD

So my four new embers have grouped with my mature male ember. The other two, well one thinks he's still a cardinal xD and the other is being anti social.

Ooo wait the group have gone and collected Mr anti social xD
Updateee :D
Bought one new light bulb, can see a difference already!
Got light reflectors on order
Andes picked up my d gourami pair :D
I've turned off the big filter. to flow it lets out is just took strong for my liking.
And my new fish have settled in nicely :3
My tetra arnt even remotely interested in them. XD


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So another update here :3.
Fitted in my light reflectors, can see a difference in light already!

My dwarf gourami have settled in really well. They are stil somewhat shy but are swimming around more freely now.

I'm also planning on buying another coconut shell for them. But instead hang it so it's like a floating hut. I'm thinking I'll do it so they have an air space inside it.

Also in my water change yeaturday I did a little change around with my woods. I much prefer this new way :D and also in the large piece the plec has like a tunnel :D
I'll get a pic of the at some point .


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Lovely title up date :)
Great pics and plants seem to be looking nice and healthy.

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