A Fishy Selection?


grumpy old man!
Oct 28, 2005
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Hello all,

I have been thinking about which fish I would like to see in my tank, and would like some input from yourselves. I know its down to personal taste, so i've made a stab at it. I'm interested to understand the compatibility of the fish, and the numbers that would be recommended.

I have a Juwel Rio 180 which is 180 litres or about 48USG. I know ideally the tank should be longer than it is higher, but I had the tank already. I have ripped out the filter as i really didn't like it, and replaced it with an Eheim PII 2026, which seems like a decent bit of kit.

So.. the fish..

I would like a nice display of colour, and so have been looking at a mixture of orange, blue and yellow (I know i sound like a 5 year old, but its easier this way). I understand that they need to be in groups with the correct male to female ratio, so i'm hoping that 3 different types is a nice mix between variety and stability. I went to the LFS at lunch to try to put some names to the fish i were thinking about.. i went without a pen (good idea), so ihave the following 3 from memory and checking on a website...

Labidochromis caeruleus (is this just the normal Yellow Lab) - as the yellow ones

Metriaclima estherae (Red Zebra?) - as the Orange ones

Pseudotropheus demasoni - as the blue ones (love these little ones.). LFS said that a group of 5-6 is good for these, as they are more difficult to sex and will help keep them in control.

So.. if you have any comments, good or bad, please let me know. Any help on male-female ratio would be greatly received.

Those 3 fish have good personalities... none are very aggressive (well the demasonis can get a little aggressive) Yellow labs are great fish to keep, social, friendly and not aggressive to tank mates.. I would say your set up would work fine, just do like a 3:1 female to male ratio!
Those 3 fish have good personalities... none are very aggressive (well the demasonis can get a little aggressive) Yellow labs are great fish to keep, social, friendly and not aggressive to tank mates.. I would say your set up would work fine, just do like a 3:1 female to male ratio!


What is the total number of fish that would be advisable to balance healthy fish and manage aggression.?

I would probably like to include a BN plec or 2 to help out.

With good filtration I would say you could get away with like 15 fish plus the plecos, maybe more.
Good choice, However IMO i would go

6 labs (they do better in groups)
4 metriclima ethere (red zebra)
4 acei or rustys
1 deminosi


6 labs
4 metriclima ethere
6 deminosi or more

and save for a bigger tank in 12 months time
About demasonis: I've been adviced that it is almost impossible to keep less than 12 demasonis in a tank. (keeping only one demasoni is ok.) They are very aggressive towards their own kind and will try to literally 'kill' each other off. By having more than 12, it would spread the aggression. Or you could keep just one demasoni, but don't keep anything else that look like demasoni. If you think they look similar, the fish also thinks that way.

I have 14 demasonis and 5 yellow labs in my 48"x20"x20" tank. They're doing fine, but they're all still young. Will let you know the aggression level once they get more mature and claim their territories.

Good luck :)

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