A few questions.


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Alpharetta, GA
I have decided that I am going to breed some fish. I hope to pick up a 29g tank sometime next week. I currently have 3 balloon mollies and 6 guppies. I think I am going to get rid of the mollies and just breed guppies. Question is how many can I put in that 29g tank. I don't want to end up with a million babies, but my lfs will take them for credit and I want to do it towards a new 65g cichlid tank, so having a new batch 1-2 times a month is fine. Second should I leave the fry in and get whatever grows up big enough, or if I should get another tank what size for a grow out tank? Also was wondering what you guys think about this. lfs told me when I get my cichlid tank I can feed my baby fry to them. Is this cruel, and if I do it how often should I feed them. Everyday if I have enough or just once a week? One other question. I have 6 molly fry right now, and was wondering what is the best thing to feed them. Ok one more. Is it ok to feed frozen brine shrimp and live worms to my guppies everyday or not?

ok, if six adult guppys is all u got, then n a well planted 29g tank u will have fry survive well. in a 29g, u can have probably like a single fish per gallon mybe a bit more. i dont i think feeding ur fry to ur cichlids isn't cruel but if its wat u think u wana do the go for it. i know a lil about cichlids but im not sure how often u should feed them. guppys ar glutans my nature so u should probably feed the adults atleast twice a day and if i have fry in the same tank with them maybe 3 times a day.

gl :D
A lot of questions, but I'll try my best to answer as many as I can. :)

For a 29 gallon tank, you can have a maximum of 29 inches of fish. One inch of fish for every gallon of water.

:thumbs: I prefer to separate the fry from the parents, but that's just my opinion. Be sure to provide a lot of hiding places if you decide to leave them in the main tank.

Molly fry can eat crushed flakes and bloodworms. :nod: I personally feed my fry a special powdered called "First Bites." When they're older, I start giving them crushed flakes. After they've reached 2 months, I feed them frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp.

:hyper: Guppies love frozen food! Once a day should be fine, but be careful not to overfeed. I feed my adult fish 3 times a weeks: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Well my main problem right now is space. I have enough room for a 29g with stand, and a 20g on my dresser if you guys think it will hold the weight. Was actually thinking about changing my mind and making the 29g gouramis and something else as I have 4 gouramis right now I was about to get rid of as well. If I do that I will then have to leave the fry with the guppy parents and hope some survive, but the will that 20g tank get too crowded when a bunch of fry appear? I am just thinking guppies here as I just like them better than my mollies because they are more colorful. Also you said you feed your adult fish 3 times per week. Is that you feed them frozen food 3 times plus flakes other days or 3 times period. I have thought about that. Would an entire cube of blood worms or brine shrimp be too much for 6 adult guppies if I only feed them 3 times per week? Right now I feed my fry first bites. Sasha do you have any kind of messenger service? I am bccromer on AIM and Yahoo.


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