Fish Fanatic
I have decided that I am going to breed some fish. I hope to pick up a 29g tank sometime next week. I currently have 3 balloon mollies and 6 guppies. I think I am going to get rid of the mollies and just breed guppies. Question is how many can I put in that 29g tank. I don't want to end up with a million babies, but my lfs will take them for credit and I want to do it towards a new 65g cichlid tank, so having a new batch 1-2 times a month is fine. Second should I leave the fry in and get whatever grows up big enough, or if I should get another tank what size for a grow out tank? Also was wondering what you guys think about this. lfs told me when I get my cichlid tank I can feed my baby fry to them. Is this cruel, and if I do it how often should I feed them. Everyday if I have enough or just once a week? One other question. I have 6 molly fry right now, and was wondering what is the best thing to feed them. Ok one more. Is it ok to feed frozen brine shrimp and live worms to my guppies everyday or not?