A different type of water change


New Member
Jan 16, 2021
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US, Michigan
So I'm curious, I'll be moving at the end of the month & We'll be going from Well Water to City Water. Will this hurt my fish or plants? (As this is a live tank.)
I've never dealt with this before so wasn't too sure. If so, is there an easy way to transition them through this type of "water change?"

There's 3 Black Skirt Tetras, 2 White Skirts.
3 Mickey platys & 2 Bristlenose Plecos.

For plants - 1 Anubias Nana, 1 Anubias Frazeri & 2 Ludwigia repens.
I do 25-30% water changes weekly & the tank is rather "new" still. Established in January this year. TIA!
Is there any way for you to figure out the water parameters of the new place as opposed to where you are living now? If the parameters are similar, I see no issues as long as you dechlorinate all new water, as I believe most city water has higher levels of chlorine than well water
Is there any way for you to figure out the water parameters of the new place as opposed to where you are living now? If the parameters are similar, I see no issues as long as you dechlorinate all new water, as I believe most city water has higher levels of chlorine than well water.
Okay, awesome I already got what I need for dechlorinating. That's a good idea though, a water sample to compare. I should be able to get my realtor to let me in for a sample at the new house. Thank you!
Okay, awesome I already got what I need for dechlorinating. That's a good idea though, a water sample to compare. I should be able to get my realtor to let me in for a sample at the new house. Thank you!
Glad I could help!
Okay, awesome I already got what I need for dechlorinating. That's a good idea though, a water sample to compare. I should be able to get my realtor to let me in for a sample at the new house. Thank you!
go on the new place's website and you can see all the info

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