A Christmas Spook


Fish Crazy
Apr 24, 2015
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So, two days ago, I purchased two Pearl gouramis, one female and one male it appears...
For the last couple of days they seem to be normal, just kind of scared obviously and still getting their bearings from being in the quarantine. The male is acting pretty normal, but the female appeared dead today...
She was laying against the sponge filter in the corner. She wasn't moving or anything. I was going to remove her, but as soon as I removed the canopy she started up wondering around. I tried to feed them micro pellets and they would investigate them, swallow them, spit them, swallow then again. But after a while she went back to the corner and began laying against the filter again. I have a feeling she might die soon. She tends to be active when the male comes around.

Just now, as I was typing this, I witnessed the male maybe chasing her a bit?
It didn't seem like an attack, but he may be bothering her... I'm thinking maybe I should provide more hiding spots? But if she's sick or unhealthy in some way, there's no physical signs such as scarring, spots, or any kind of illness besides her laying on her side when she's in that corner. She seems to be able to keep her balance normally when she's actively swimming about. But she always resides to that corner next to the filter.

Should I just keep an eye on her? She's not clamping her fins or anything. Just being kind of lethargic. She seems restless...
I acclimated them using the drip method, I let them acclimate for about 2 hours, very slowly with the lights off, temperature is at about 74° F, its really cold in my house so I've been battling trying to raise the heat a little more. Ammonia: 0, Nitrite: 0, Nitrates: 0, pH: 6.8 - 7.

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