90L Stocking


New Member
Feb 12, 2023
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Hiya everyone!

Got myself another aquarium that's already cycled and pretty heavilly planted but im looking for some stocking suggestions/ideas.

The aquarium is 60 x 40 x 38 cm or 23,62 x 15,74 x 14,96 inch
And im running a pretty heavy external filter for this aquarium so filtration should not be an issue

My current stocking idea is:

15-20x Galaxy rasbora
3x German ram ( 2 Female and 1 Male)
(6x 'Pygmy' corydoras or 6 Kuhli loaches) i know that the temperature for the cory's and the ram's might be an issue so im really looking forward to hearing some idea's from you guys!
Temperature is an issue. Cories prefer cooler water while rams need warmer water. An alternative to rams would be apistogrammas as they don't need the same warm water as rams. There are several species commonly available, usually A. cacatuoides and A. agassizii.

You also need to look at the hardness of your water. Cories and rams are soft water fish while celestial pearl danios (galaxy rasboras) need middling soft to hard water. Your water provider's website should give your hardness - you need a number and the unit of measurement as there are several they could use.

I'm not sure 3 rams would work though. These fish form pairs, and they need to choose each other. Just any male and any female may not 'like' each other. If a pair does form, the other female is likely to be attacked by the pair. Ideally, a mated pair should be bought. In the shop, stand still and watch the tank for anything up to half an hour. Watch their behaviour. Males will 'run' at other males, though they won't make contact. A male and a female which he allows to stay near him are likely to be a bonded pair.
Agree with @Essjay comments completely but there are a couple other issues here too.

Pygmy cories...these must have soft sand for the substrate. All cories the same. I don't know what the substrate is now, the tank is planted so presumably there is something. But no plant substrates, and no gravel. Both cause serious bacterial issues for cories, plus other problems.

If water parameters are OK, Celestial/Galaxy rasboras will work in a group of 20. No other fish. This species needs this large of a group.

Essjay covered the rams issue, I will just say that a 20g tank (roughly what this is given the measurements) is not sufficient space for three rams. If you were able to acquire a male and two females, it is likely the male would pair up with one of the females, in which case the second female is not going to have a good life from either the male or female if they spawn. This fish must select each other and bond; otherwise, they are not usually long for it.

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