Fish Fanatic
Wanted to make a proper journal, a bit cleaner than my thread asking about stocking
So after having to give up my last tank, a lovely planted low tech 55L 3 months ago due to moving, the folks have bought me a new one for xmas to go in my bedroom. Got a great deal on a Aqua One Aquastyle AR620 with cabinet. The low tech thing worked really well last time, and I love well planted tanks so going to do it again.
Tank is here and at the stage of making sure all equipment is working and there are no leaks. Have a slight concern about the Jebo heater but I'll wait a bit longer and see. Just tested my pH using a liquid kit for first time (very science-y!) and it appears to be 7.2.
Have a big bit of wood in there (its bigger than I thought and only just fit, may replace it down the line) which has some good hiding spots. Its got a hollow hole in one end and at the back has a nice flat bit for fish to rest on, as well as a few holes to swim through. Substrate is smooth small pebbles/gravel and then some slightly larger smooth ones. Going to add some larger again river stones when I find some nice ones and maybe another bit of driftwood, perhaps a branch upside down. Plants will be in in a couple of days when the LFS re-opens. They aren't great at labeling plants so its going to be a bit of luck involved to get suitable ones. I'll need help identifying them when I get them
Current Stocking Options are (based on suggestions and what my LFS stocks, feel free to make more suggestions):
1x Dwarf Gourami OR Honey Gourami OR Male Betta
7-9x Neon/Black Neon/Glowlight/Cardinal/Rummynose Tetras OR 7-9x Harlequin/Red-Lined Rasboras OR 9-11 Emerald Eye Rasboras.
1x BN Plec
7-9x Pygmy Cory OR 7x Panda/Peppered Cory OR 7x Kuhli Loach (need to check suitability of all of these guys on smooth pebbles)
Any advice and suggestions are most welcome. We never stop learning haha.
One massive pic of the tank just after adding water (going to try get a smaller version sorry!)

So after having to give up my last tank, a lovely planted low tech 55L 3 months ago due to moving, the folks have bought me a new one for xmas to go in my bedroom. Got a great deal on a Aqua One Aquastyle AR620 with cabinet. The low tech thing worked really well last time, and I love well planted tanks so going to do it again.
Tank is here and at the stage of making sure all equipment is working and there are no leaks. Have a slight concern about the Jebo heater but I'll wait a bit longer and see. Just tested my pH using a liquid kit for first time (very science-y!) and it appears to be 7.2.
Have a big bit of wood in there (its bigger than I thought and only just fit, may replace it down the line) which has some good hiding spots. Its got a hollow hole in one end and at the back has a nice flat bit for fish to rest on, as well as a few holes to swim through. Substrate is smooth small pebbles/gravel and then some slightly larger smooth ones. Going to add some larger again river stones when I find some nice ones and maybe another bit of driftwood, perhaps a branch upside down. Plants will be in in a couple of days when the LFS re-opens. They aren't great at labeling plants so its going to be a bit of luck involved to get suitable ones. I'll need help identifying them when I get them
Current Stocking Options are (based on suggestions and what my LFS stocks, feel free to make more suggestions):
1x Dwarf Gourami OR Honey Gourami OR Male Betta
7-9x Neon/Black Neon/Glowlight/Cardinal/Rummynose Tetras OR 7-9x Harlequin/Red-Lined Rasboras OR 9-11 Emerald Eye Rasboras.
1x BN Plec
7-9x Pygmy Cory OR 7x Panda/Peppered Cory OR 7x Kuhli Loach (need to check suitability of all of these guys on smooth pebbles)
Any advice and suggestions are most welcome. We never stop learning haha.
One massive pic of the tank just after adding water (going to try get a smaller version sorry!)