90L Convict Cichlid Pair?


Sep 21, 2011
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Hey all, 
I currently have a convict pair in my 110G who are trying to breed. They keep getting disturbed by everyone else, so was thinking of putting them in this 90L I have. 
Just wondering if this will work, and whether I should keep them in there by themselves or add tank mates? If so, what can I safely add? There is a bristlenose catfish in there and he will be staying.
Thanks for any input :)
Gidge said:
Hey all, 
I currently have a convict pair in my 110G who are trying to breed. They keep getting disturbed by everyone else, so was thinking of putting them in this 90L I have. 
Just wondering if this will work, and whether I should keep them in there by themselves or add tank mates? If so, what can I safely add? There is a bristlenose catfish in there and he will be staying.
Thanks for any input :)
First of all its too small. Even for one!
Ohhh. Well there goes that idea!
You could stick them in the 90L until they breed, then move them back to the other tank, and care for the babies temporarily in the 90L.  That way the babies wouldn't be eaten. Not sure what your plans are with the fry, or with their breeding attempts, but this is a viable option.  
MAKE SURE that the smaller tank is cycled for sure, use media from an already cycled tank.
Put the female in the 90L and the male in the 110G and problem solved!! Not aggressive rampant cichlids that will give you hundreds of babies you will never be able to get rid of ;)
MBOU said:
Put the female in the 90L and the male in the 110G and problem solved!! Not aggressive rampant cichlids that will give you hundreds of babies you will never be able to get rid of
lol, yeah, I was going to mention that.

Do, please, OP, consider very carefully whether you actually want these fish to breed. Convicts are very prolific breeders, and good parents, so you could end up with hundreds of fry, and convicts are very hard to get rid of; most of them end up as feeder fish
fluttermoth said:
Put the female in the 90L and the male in the 110G and problem solved!! Not aggressive rampant cichlids that will give you hundreds of babies you will never be able to get rid of
lol, yeah, I was going to mention that.

Do, please, OP, consider very carefully whether you actually want these fish to breed. Convicts are very prolific breeders, and good parents, so you could end up with hundreds of fry, and convicts are very hard to get rid of; most of them end up as feeder fish
Very true. Young are VERY HARD to get rid of
Thanks for all the replies! I'll answer all this in steps I think haha. 
1. The 90L is fully cycled, has been for a couple of years.
2. I was just going to keep the convicts in there, so I wasn't worried about them attacking other fish. 
3. Not sure if any of you are from Aus? But I didn't think they would be that hard to get rid of here. Especially over in Perth. I might talk to the place I would be selling them to and ask what their demand is like. 
3. Not sure if any of you are from Aus? But I didn't think they would be that hard to get rid of here. Especially over in Perth. I might talk to the place I would be selling them to and ask what their demand
I think the main thing is that you should be happy to literally just GIVE the offspring away. Don't expect to get $2 a fish, if a shop is happy to take them, they'll be doing you a MASSIVE favour!

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