8 Litre Nano (Guidance Needed)


Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
Wales, UK
Saw this and thought, hey it could be a nice shrimp tank so I bought it. I really like the desing and the back compartment filter is Great.

So here goes....

TMC Microhabitat AquaGrow
Built in filter, 2 sponges(Height and Width of tank)
LED Light attachment(no idea what Watt)
Fluval Stratum
No Heater

Initial Design(First time to EVER do a small nano tank)




Tell me what you think, as I am always looking for guidance.

Suggestions are welcome

Also need to add, I like the idea of giving the tank a suited name e.g "Riverside Rock" so if you could come up with any "chuck em in"
When I look at this rock, I get visions of a lonely rocky outcrop in a landscape. It would be nice if you cover part of the rock with moss, or a plant from the base upwards to let's say halfway and then just let some strands go up higher as if they were covering crevices in the rock. Then around the base, something that represent trees, such as liliaopsis, and the rest covered with a carpeting plant that represent the plain...
Im ok with your other suggestions but about covering the rock with moss, I disagree

With the plants, you mean like this?

Any progression from this yet? :hyper:
Im thinking of getting a shrimp tank to either go on my computer desk or next to my large tank. Seeing yours makes me want one even more :) Specially with the ms paint visual aid :D
That design tank is really nice btw! Love the feet on it.

What rock is that in the tank (if you know)? Has a really nice shape to it, and colour.

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