7 Fish Gone in a Week!

There were no visibled parasites on the fish. They just died suddenly and now my tank looks so empty! Whatever the problem is, it had to be very rapid to kill so many of my fish in only a short amount of time. :-(

I did a 30% water change to bring down the Nitrates a little. It's so difficult to slove the reason for the fish's deaths. :/
Kind of going out on a limb here since I'm not that familiar with mollies or guppies, but is it possible that they're dying of old age? If you've kept them for about a year, the research I did on fishprofiles.com suggests that mollies and guppies live for about a year. This might explain why you aren't finding any problems with your water and there aren't any signs of stress, and why it's only your mollies and not the platies, for instance, which have a lifespan of about 2 years. It is a coincidence that they are all dying at the same time, but stranger things have happened.

Also, do you ever have to top off your aquarium due to evaporation?
I only had the fish for about a couple months, so I don't think they were old. I'm doing water changes dailyto bring down the Nitrates and now the water tests out fine.

When the first fish died, I went out and bought 3 new fish. Now, I'm thinking that one of those fish carried a disease with it that wasn't visible and it quickly spread to the other fish. Is that possible even though the new fish seemed perfectly healthy? :unsure:
It's possible yes , especially as the guppies and mollies are the most sensitive fish in the tank. The best way to add fish to an established tank is to quaranteen them first for at least two weeks. 4 weeks is better. That way any diseases will have time to show themselves before getting a chance to spread through out your main tank.

How are the fish these past couple days? Better I hope. :thumbs:
;) That's what I was thinking about! Getting a quaranteen tank will ensure that no new fish would spread any diseases. Sor far, I haven't lost anymore fish and I hope it stays that way. My tank looks so empty with only nine fish!

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