64L Tank (How Many Fish)


Fish Crazy
Apr 26, 2012
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Just started a tropical setup a few wweks ago after keep cold water fish for a few years. Ive had a year and a bit out of fish keeping and now bought a 64L fish pod.

I have a question to ask though.

I currently have 3 platys and 6 tetra. Ive done some research and know a platy will grow to 6cm and the tetra to 2cm.

I plan to add a bottom feeder in 2 months time. But is there more i can ad i was thinking a few more platys but different colours to the red ones i have and maybe a few more tetra.

How many more fish can i add?
You could add 1 or 2 more platys but first, do you know what gender they are?
Livebearers in general are meant to be 1 male for every 2 females.
So if you have 1 male and two females I'd stick with them.
Bottom feeding fish-wise you could get corydoras catfish of some kind.
Or if you wanted something to help with algae you could get otocinclus.

You have a wide range of options. :D
+1 on knowing the sex of your platies... if you have 2 females and 1 male, then stick with those (you'll have lots of babies soon enough)... however if you have 3 males, and you throw in a female, she'll get harrassed to death (literally).

As for bottom dwellers, corys are a big favourite, but you need to look at your substrate. If it is rough gravel you'll risk injuring the fish as their barbs are easily damaged. Also, they're extremely cute when exhibiting their natural behaviour of "snuffling" through the sand.

I'd add another 4 tetras too :D but I love neons! Or, if you wanted something different, what about 6 dwarf neon rainbows? They're gorgeous fish and are funny as hell (they like to people watch). When the light catches them just right, they shimmer. It's so pretty!
How will i know if they are male or female?

The bottom feeder im not sure which im going to go for ill worry about that in 2 months time i think.
+1 on knowing the sex of your platies... if you have 2 females and 1 male, then stick with those (you'll have lots of babies soon enough)... however if you have 3 males, and you throw in a female, she'll get harrassed to death (literally).

As for bottom dwellers, corys are a big favourite, but you need to look at your substrate. If it is rough gravel you'll risk injuring the fish as their barbs are easily damaged. Also, they're extremely cute when exhibiting their natural behaviour of "snuffling" through the sand.

I'd add another 4 tetras too :D but I love neons! Or, if you wanted something different, what about 6 dwarf neon rainbows? They're gorgeous fish and are funny as hell (they like to people watch). When the light catches them just right, they shimmer. It's so pretty!

Good call on the gravel type!
You'll want sand or smooth, rounded gravel.

How will i know if they are male or female?

The bottom feeder im not sure which im going to go for ill worry about that in 2 months time i think.

You have to look at the anal fin or something like that they are different shapes.
You should google it to check but I think females have sort of a fan shape, while males are more pointy, but check on google anyways.
+1 on knowing the sex of your platies... if you have 2 females and 1 male, then stick with those (you'll have lots of babies soon enough)... however if you have 3 males, and you throw in a female, she'll get harrassed to death (literally).

As for bottom dwellers, corys are a big favourite, but you need to look at your substrate. If it is rough gravel you'll risk injuring the fish as their barbs are easily damaged. Also, they're extremely cute when exhibiting their natural behaviour of "snuffling" through the sand.

I'd add another 4 tetras too :D but I love neons! Or, if you wanted something different, what about 6 dwarf neon rainbows? They're gorgeous fish and are funny as hell (they like to people watch). When the light catches them just right, they shimmer. It's so pretty!

Ive got Carnidal Tetras
+1 on knowing the sex of your platies... if you have 2 females and 1 male, then stick with those (you'll have lots of babies soon enough)... however if you have 3 males, and you throw in a female, she'll get harrassed to death (literally).

As for bottom dwellers, corys are a big favourite, but you need to look at your substrate. If it is rough gravel you'll risk injuring the fish as their barbs are easily damaged. Also, they're extremely cute when exhibiting their natural behaviour of "snuffling" through the sand.

I'd add another 4 tetras too :D but I love neons! Or, if you wanted something different, what about 6 dwarf neon rainbows? They're gorgeous fish and are funny as hell (they like to people watch). When the light catches them just right, they shimmer. It's so pretty!

Good call on the gravel type!
You'll want sand or smooth, rounded gravel.

How will i know if they are male or female?

The bottom feeder im not sure which im going to go for ill worry about that in 2 months time i think.

You have to look at the anal fin or something like that they are different shapes.
You should google it to check but I think females have sort of a fan shape, while males are more pointy, but check on google anyways.

Ill have a look tonight and see if i can work it out. If not expect photos of each fish :lol:
Just found this. Should help me work it out

If you want to double-check your platies' gender, have a look at this post pinned in the livebearer section: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/330763-livebearer-gender-determination/

If you still think you got two male to one female you need to get three more females to make them feel a little more comfortable. Be warned though - you will have fry. It is just a matter of time. Once they start dropping, they will have fry approximately every four weeks. You really need to consider a plan for the babies, i.e. setting up a fry tank or giving them away/selling them.
Im 99% sure its 2 males and 1 female. Ill try get pictures of them im 100% sure on 1 male and 1 female. The other its the one im not sure on looks like might be a he she :crazy:
Pictures would help. If the third one is a she then you should be fine with your male/female ratio.
Ill get snapping once im home. The only issue i have they like to hide behind the plants!
any responsible lfs (there are some about) should know about the male-female ratios and not have sold you 1 female with 2 males... also, I'm pretty sure she'd be distressed if that was the case, as the males would be harrassing her.

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