5g Tank

what about newts or red crabs my lfs got some of them in today

Fire bellied toad would be be nice. They need 10 gallons MINIMUM, no matter how many how plan to keep. I decided I am going to get 2 of them for my 10 gallon I plan on setting up.
ill just leave it then or set it up as a fry tank

Better choice. I am setting up a 10 gallon fire bellied toad tank after I ge thte shells and multies for my tank I have for them now. That will be $50 for that. Then I can start on my toad tank. I plan on spending $70 on them. That is leww than my 16 gallon tank and hood cost! I am like so psyced for the toads.
what do you need to kep them? do you need a filter and heater?

Filter, yes, heater optional. They donb't NEED a heater, but if it gets below 70F anytime of the year ROOM TEMPATURE, then a heater will be needed.
one would be fine in my room at summer the temps 29c but in the winter its about 18c

If you got a 10 gallon, you could have 2-3 toads in it. They like to be with other toads, so nothing under 10 gallons is reccomended.
Is it hard to keep poison dart frogs

Not so hard provided you feed them fruit flies regularly - meaning culture your own flightless fruit flies most likely.

To the OP, there are lizards small enough to fit in a space of that size (some pygmy geckos and chameleons) but you're going to have a #41#### hard time finding them in the average pet store.

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