55 gallon stock list- good or bad?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 11, 2013
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My 55 gallon unfortunately went through a shock and killed all my fish but one. :-(

Killed all my gorgeous sunfish (2 northern longears, 3 dollars) and my friendly creek chub.... he would let me pet him and everything. Also killed my long fin rosy barbs and all my giant danios except 1. So I will find the remaining giant danio a nice big school to join and that leaves me with an empty tank I would like to stock.

So in the meantime while my tank stabilizes, I am planning what I will restock it with. I do not want to go the native route again... too soon :( So here's my idea. I would like to do a central american tank setup. These are my ideas so far:
1 rubber-lip pleco
2 female convicts
1 jewel cichlid (I know he's not new world, but he's cool and appears to work well with them)
1 salvini OR 1 jack dempsey OR 1 Electric Blue Acara

or would it be possible to do both the salvini and acara?

Let me know if you guys think this could work or not, thank you!!!!!
I would probably advise against the Blue Acara at all. Acaras are only mildly aggressive cichlids, while JDs, Convicts, And Salvinis are fairly aggressive. The Acara wouldn't be a happy fish.
Likewise, I would advise against the Jewel. Beautiful fish, I know. But, they prefer to be in pairs, and a pair can't be achieved by simply dropping 2 fish into your tank. Usually, you have to start with a group of juveniles, let a pair form naturally, then rehome the rest. While the Jewel is fully capable of holding its own against the other aggressive fish in the tank, it will likely be stressed, which will mute its gorgeous colors, and ultimately, result in a shorter lifespan.
I would probably advise against the Blue Acara at all. Acaras are only mildly aggressive cichlids, while JDs, Convicts, And Salvinis are fairly aggressive. The Acara wouldn't be a happy fish.
Likewise, I would advise against the Jewel. Beautiful fish, I know. But, they prefer to be in pairs, and a pair can't be achieved by simply dropping 2 fish into your tank. Usually, you have to start with a group of juveniles, let a pair form naturally, then rehome the rest. While the Jewel is fully capable of holding its own against the other aggressive fish in the tank, it will likely be stressed, which will mute its gorgeous colors, and ultimately, result in a shorter lifespan.
Thank for the reply! I actually got too ahead of myself and since no one answered I checked with aqadvisor for space-related issues and then went and got my fish. :look: I have one small salvini (I'm thinking and hoping a female since there is some red developing on the belly) 1 small EB Acara, 2 small female convicts and a clown pleco. When I say small I mean between 1-1.5" each. So far the salvini is not fond of the convicts and the convicts are not fond of each other. But overall there is peace in the tank.... for now. Everyone ignores the acara... in fact the salvini almost prefers the acara's company and I often see it swimming near him. Unfortunately only after I purchased the fish I thought "what the heck lets check my post again" and everyone told me no. :X I am prepared to remove any aggressors. If it comes down to it I will decide between keeping my salvini and having a "wet pet" or keeping the acara and getting him some milder tankmates. Maybe (really a stretch) my stocking will work out. Only time will tell
Good luck with this! (I don't think this will work in the long run, though.)

What was the idea behind getting 2 female convicts and not only one? They will never like each other. Imho the Salvini will rule the tank sooner or later.

Did you check what size those fish can reach? Do you think your tank appropriate for this?
Good luck with this! (I don't think this will work in the long run, though.)

What was the idea behind getting 2 female convicts and not only one? They will never like each other. Imho the Salvini will rule the tank sooner or later.

Did you check what size those fish can reach? Do you think your tank appropriate for this?
Reasoning was I thought they were pretty and wanted more than one, and I found some other posts on google where people stated that generally females were less aggressive. I checked all the sizes and all should be fine in a 55 gallon (if we are speaking in terms of size only). Aggression I found mixed posts some saying its possible but takes some luck and others saying they wouldn't suggest it. That's why I decided to make my own post but since on one answered and I was too antsy I did it. :( Well I can rehome them when the time comes or maybe sooner. Idk what I'm going to decide

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