OK, i Have a 240 Litre tank, 4ft on its longest side. It is lightly planted, and filtered by a fluval 305 external filter and supplemented by a fluval 2+ internal filter. At present it contains a school of 8 blackskirt tetras, 2 peppered corys, 2 clown loaches(2"), a bristlenose plec(2") and 3 otto cats. It does have a dozen guppies just now, but these are moving home soon.
Water is quite soft and pH is pretty much 7 in the tank. Its 8.4 from the tap, but a bag of peat in the filter and a small piece of bogwood stabilise this. I do add a little aquarium salt when changing water weekly, but its a small amount. If i tripled it i might be closer to achieving brackish water, but that wont suit my fish, or the plants. I've always done this, and none of the fish complain.
So the question is, what would you add?
There are some changes that i am already considering, but i would like the opinions of all here, and don't want to pollute your ideas with my own thoughts.
Water is quite soft and pH is pretty much 7 in the tank. Its 8.4 from the tap, but a bag of peat in the filter and a small piece of bogwood stabilise this. I do add a little aquarium salt when changing water weekly, but its a small amount. If i tripled it i might be closer to achieving brackish water, but that wont suit my fish, or the plants. I've always done this, and none of the fish complain.
So the question is, what would you add?
There are some changes that i am already considering, but i would like the opinions of all here, and don't want to pollute your ideas with my own thoughts.