50 Gal

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Try calling a local university. ;-)
i just found something. i just tried a search and found this
and i looked at mosquitofish and that is exactly what i have. i realized what was doing wrong. i was always looking for minnows native to florida. i don't lve in southern florida but these fish are everywhere in florida.
from what ive read, the lowest temperature to be kept at is 41 degrees. they were apparently first introduced in california to control mosquito populations and now are all over the eastern and southern states. they are closely related to guppes and are livebearers that breed during the summer (mine are pergnant probaly because they think it is summer time) and they have about 3 to 5 broods a year, possibly containing 100 fry each born at about 1/4 in. so turns out they aren't native species, which s probaly another reason why i couldnt find them. well if they breed the fry could provide an extra source of protein for my other fish, but hopefully some would survive.
Mosquito fish makes a ton of sense. Just treat them like guppies and you are set. ;-)

They should work with the betta and cories. ;-) Even though they are close to guppies, they don't have the long fins and bright colors, so the betta shouldn't think of them as a threat/rival.
yay :) hopefully i could maybe save some fry later on to try and rase them myselves to upgrade the school from five to maybe 10 :p

just got impateient and i moved the fake driftwood slightly to the left and added one peice of real driftwood that has 1 java fern attached and is half way cover with java moss. how long do you think it would be until i could add fish, my dad s pcking up a water test kit tomorrow
Offer some plants to the tank, and give the fry some spots to hide. My cories have successfully bred and raised my number from 3 survivors to 9 in the last few months. (BTW, I've done nothing to save them. They just take their chances. Some make it, probably many more get munched as eggs and maybe others as fry.) ;-) They just need to be able to hide. They will find food on the plants - microorganisms, etc.
yeah, right now the mosquito fish are just n there by themselves and are hiding next to the floating wood and some floating wisteria and they aren't venturng down yet into the other plants. so they will hopefully do that soon. the only reasons i would try to save some is because the angels and rummynose tetras are actively lookng for food, so once i add them to the 60 gallon, i don't know if they fry would survive for long.
in about 45 minutes i will be adding Alternanthera reineckii "cardinalis" (Telanthera) since (i don't have them yet) and 4 lamp/red eye tetras. will this be good? anyone know anything about Alternanthera reineckii "cardinalis" (Telanthera)?
i just got 13 Alternanthera reineckii "cardinalis" (Telanthera) for 8.99 total, what a bargain! also got a hidden led lighting system that has .6 watts per bulb (they are small bulbs) and t has 88 bulbs, so roughly 52.8 watts. so that with the other lght i have is 69.8 watts (i got rid of one light and replaced it wth the LEDs. so that is roughly 1.163 watts per gallon
So s 1.63 watts per gallon good enough for:
Alternanthera reineckii "cardinalis" (Telanthera)
Amazon Swords
Crypt wendtii "green"
Crypt wendtii "red"
Anachris (or horwort)
Java fern
Java moss
Jungle Val
Water Wisteria
and elodeas

i added 5 lamp/red eye tetras.

so current stockng is:
5 lamp/red eye tetras (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae)
5 mosquito fish

still to add:
2 small angelfish
1 Male GBR
2 bristlenose plecos
5 rummynose tetras

on friday i will be getting a 2 inch keyhole cichlid
will this all work?
sorry for postng so much :p
i just tested my water.
nitrtAte 0ppm
nitrIte 0ppm
Hardness 150ppm
Chlorine 0ppm
Alkaline 120ppm
Ph 7.5
can i start adding a species a day (5 rummynose, 2 bn plecos on day 1; 1 gbr and 2 angels on day 2)
i will add more driftwood to reduce the ph to about 6.8
I'd wait to bring the GBR over until the tank has a bit more time to settle in - if I am correct in remembering that you are setting up a brand new 60 gallon tank.

I'd let the rummynose tetra and angels go in... But I'd hold off on the BNs and GBRs. BNs like algae, and having some natural algae in the tank is very good for them. Wait a little for that to start to build up for the BNs to move... And then I'd let the tank settle in for at least a few months before adding the GBR. Those guys are just so sensitive...

A thought on the 5 gallon tank that you are planning to be your "grow out tank" for plants. Why not put the betta in that tank? They LOVE being in a highly planted tank.

Just my two cents. Keep an eye on the ammonia/nitrite and nitrate on both the 20 and 60 gallon tanks.
alright thanks. my betta has mouth fungus right now :( and so she will be treated in the ten gallon, and then i will probaly move her into the 5 gallon thank :)
Sorry about that.

You are welcome.
i just added 3 mother crypts (idk if thats the real name, its what they where labeled at the lfs) and i was thinking of dosing 5mL of seachem flourish every tues. thurs. and saturday would this be fine for all the plants, including the ones in the 20 gallon? (once i put them in?)
I don't dose ferts for my plants, I'd post that question in the planted section. The folks over there are amazing. ;-)

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