5 Gallon


Fish Addict
Sep 16, 2012
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i will be getting 3 pygmy corys in a week from my LFS
i was wondering if i would be able to add any scarlet badis, they are small and only grow to 1/2 or 3/4 inches, if so and i got a breeding pair, would the cories eat the eggs?
It is a 5 gallon tank with a 10 gallon filter, if needed i could put the pygmy cories in my 20 gallon or 10 gallon tank
So would it be best to put the cories in a seperate tank, the scarlet badis in a seperate tank, or in the same tank?
The small tank is fine for the pygmy cory but not quite large enough for the badis. It's not about the filtration but rather the space in the tank. A 10 gallon tank is more the dimensions I feel the badis (Dario dario) would be most happy in.
alright thanks, and about the badis, i was wondering if you knew how to breed it and ake care of the fry, if i got some babies my LFS will offer me some store credit, they will be the ones in the 10 gallon
I've never bred this species myself but if you look around the forum I'm sure you will find information on it.
alright thanks, also will the pygmy cories breed in a 5 gallon?
Yes they will, at least mine did. I never raised the fry or anything but they would clean a spot for eggs all the time.
alright thanks, if they breed i can try to sell them to my LFS for store credit, or i could feed them to my GBR
i could raise them, but it would help my ram get more protein, and i do not want to have to keep the fry because they are hard to keep and i am not experienced in dealing with the fry, but i will try to keep some and use the others to feed

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