5 Gallon Tank !


Mostly New Member
Jun 29, 2013
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So i recently purchased a 5 gallon, something simple but also stockable. I was thinking of a 20 but it's too much to maintain at the moment and I don't feel the guppies need that much space. so i thought of 10 but it wouldnt fit well in my room, so i settled with a 5. I bought 3 females and 1 male; fancy guppies. My first male got ill so i returned him and got a new one, the petshop said they would nurse the ill one back to health since he wasnt bad. Since these fish are going to start multiplying my question is; how many is too much? It looks like i could fit about 10 give or take , but i want a second opinion, i'm very new to this and have never owned guppies before. HELP  ....kylie
A 5 gallon with guppies? I'd say none, but that's my opinion. As far as bioload goes I think youd have your hands full with 5-7, and that's pushing it by a longshot...if your tank is literally filled to the brim with live plants that would help a bit. How often do you do water changes\gravel vacuums?
I have a filter so water changes only about once a week, gravel vaccums maybe twice a month. I've had guppies in a one gallon pickle jar for a science expieriment and they survived. My one gallon is pretty long, and i only have a few plants I don't want to crowd them and live plants are quite expensive.
Guppies in a 5 gallon? Hmm.. how long before it's more of a fish soup than an aquarium?
In such a size I would have gone for a colony of crystal red shrimps.
Guppies in a one gallon is a bad idea as you can't keep the water quality stable..if you still have guppies in a 1 gallon then please move them to the 5, they'll be much happier there.
they are out of the 1 gallon they were returned to their breeder, it was a simple school expieriment. My guppies ended up coming down with an illness from the petstore i purchased them from . it was a bacterial infection. I now own 3 platties instead and 1 of the female guppies whom survived. my plan is to transfer any fry to a 10-20 gallon however for now the fish seem very happy. i purchased a medication that cleared up the infection and did a 25 % water change as directed by the bottle. they seem to be doing great. thanks for all the advice and help. I will definately be upgrading at some point . My plan isn't to keep them in the 5 gallon for more than a month or two

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