5.5g Stocking Options


Fish Crazy
Feb 27, 2007
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what could go in a 5.5gallon tank? does anyone have a tank this small that has pics i could see? and then other question is can drawf angels go together?
You can keep multiple dwarf angels if added simultaneously and in a BIG tank (75+ gallon), surely not a 5.5 ;)

That size tank is better fit for smaller gobies or dartfish.
Are we talking US gallons or UK gallons ? personaly i wouldn't put any fish at all in 5.5 US gallons, and only ONE small small fish in 5.5 UK gallons....but thats just me and i still have a fair bit to learn abouut this hobby.
at that small size the difference is negligable IMO. There are species of clown gobies which do fine in small tanks like that. A goby and pistol shrimp pair would also work. Something like a Yashia goby would look really cool in there.
I would go consult Adam's pico thread.

His is about 5 gallons and I believe he has a real perc (black and white) in his.

I often wonder how he's able to do that.
you can easily keep a clown goby in a 5.5g...

You can easily keep a clown INHUMANELY in a 5.5G. Don't do it PLEASE. If you do a 5.5G, please, either keep it coral or invertebrate or nothing bigger than a neon goby or yellow goby. It's simply being a conscientious aquarist...and..minimizing contamination in a 5.5G. I"m sorry, but, I don't think it's fair to the clown.. Because others do it..or because others do it 'successfully'...doesn't mean it's right. SH
Dwarf seahorses come with their own complications in terms of not being able to use live rock etc.

A small Goby is your mest bet IMO.

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