467L Tank, How Many Fish At Once To Add?


Aug 16, 2012
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Once my stand is done, I'm going to start cycling it and when its ready stocking. I know you cant add too many fish to an aquarium or else the ammonia will spike, but what if the tank is 72x18x22 ( 125 gallon, 476L ) how many can I get away with in each session? They should all be primarily small fish with little waste at the time
its always best to add a small number of fish in at a time just for those reasons that you have listed, but also just to make sure that they don't have a disease that was hidden at the store and was brought to the tank. i would say you can get at the most 6 fish at a time, but that is pushing it a bit.
and its best not to buy a lot of fish at once because if they start dying and you lost half of them then you have to go and replace blah blah blah.. not a nice thing to do to go back to the store with dead fish and asking for new ones haha

i would say get 6 then in 2 weeks get another 6.. and so on so that if a fish does die at least you waited 2 weeks and you are able to watch them and make sure there is nothing wrong with the new fish that you have gotten.
it might seem like it'll take awhile to get all your fish, but then again you have to chance to see if there are different fish other there that are more to you liking.
If you do a fishless cycle using ammonia, by the end of that the filter will have more than enough bacteria to support all the fish you intend to buy. With this method, you can fully stock that tank at once.
If you are fishless cycling, it might even be better to fully or almost fully stock immediately, as with only a few fish producing ammonia, most of the uneeded filter bacteria will die off.
Big tank you got there, lucky you :good:
Providing you complete a full, thorough fishless cycle and qualifying week then i would possibly stock to a third of what i would eventually want in there, primarily small fish in your case would probably be most types of Tetra or most Barbs (with thought going into the more 'aggresive' kind), your filter and water change regime would then be able to tell you roughly how many.
Good luck though, keep us updated.

Big tank you got there, lucky you :good:
Providing you complete a full, thorough fishless cycle and qualifying week then i would possibly stock to a third of what i would eventually want in there, primarily small fish in your case would probably be most types of Tetra or most Barbs (with thought going into the more 'aggresive' kind), your filter and water change regime would then be able to tell you roughly how many.
Good luck though, keep us updated.

I had to change my fish stocking plans, I wanted a nice aquarium with a good selection but I really, really liked the Pictus catfish I had but I knew he would eat most of the little guys in the tank eventually. My tank levels spiked oddly and I lost one of them, and it looks like by the time I get this tank setup I might lose the other so now I can think of things like plants, smaller fish and whatnot

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