46 Gallon Bowfront Cichlid Mix


Mostly New Member
Jun 28, 2013
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Upgraded from a 20 long to this over the summer. It took a while to get it where it is now, because I had to replace the whole top frame and just getting the part for that was a pain in the butt. 
Originally I was going to give my cichlids away and start fresh with a heavily planted community for this tank but my boyfriend insisted it was wrong of me to give my fish away and to just keep the ones I have. I've since stressed to him though that there will come a time I will have to give them away lol. For now they're okay. They're all relatively small still. But here we are, finally where I'm happy with it.


Rocks: Ardenner Quarry
Plants: (Sagittaria Dwarf Subulata, Anubia, Java Fern, Spiralis) if I'm correct.
Heater: Aqueon Pro 200w
Light: Deep Blue Professional Solar Max T5 (30")
Filter: Eheim 2213
Bg: Black Contractor Trash Bag
Substrate: Pool filter sand mixed with crushed coral
Stocking: 1 yellow lab, 1 acei, 1 red peacock, 3 upsidedown catfish
P.S. I still plan to do my planted community, the future can't come sooner! lol!
Wow! A simple set up and pleasing on the eyes! :)
and i love the BG of black thrash bag! hahaha

thankyou both! haha yes! the black trash bag was the easiest option. I didn't want to have to paint the tank and my LFS doesn't have any tank backgrounds that are high enough lol!
I actually love the idea of just using a trash bag, how creative.  Out of curiosity, now that you have the trash bag on there would you have preferred a regular background or does the trash bag work well?
ficklefins said:
I actually love the idea of just using a trash bag, how creative.  Out of curiosity, now that you have the trash bag on there would you have preferred a regular background or does the trash bag work well?
Thanks!! To be completely honest, it really doesn't look any different. I used the heavier duty kind so it's a thicker bag than the average household trash bag.
If you don't pull it tight to the back of the tank you will see some of the creases from where it was folded..but I cut it to size and stretched it as tightly across as possible and used clear tape to hold it to the tank. It looks no different than if I had gone to the store and got one of the paper backgrounds. :)
Very nice!  If you do decide to "give up" your cichlids for a planted community I think you will be missing your cichlids in the long run.  The cichlids are VERY intelligent and investigative.  They really do get to know you and watch everything you do when you are near the aquarium. 
My Red Zebra's and Acei give me the most attention, especially one particular Red Zebra that follows me and chases the others away when they try to follow lol.  When other family members come near the tank they disappear and peek at them from behind structures.  My community tank inhabitants give me no attention except at feeding time lol. 
Again a very nice setup and looking forward to seeing your next "project"!
Bow fronts, longs.. I really wish I would have shopped around. Looks great! I love the scape, the rocks are awesome.

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