3rd spawn


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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:D :d:D:d:D:d:D

well, i had a pair in the tank for quite a while, and after 3 dyas of not having anything happne i decdied to siwtch the male, and voila after less than 24 hours they are embracing! :thumbs: wish me luck, i hope there are no egg eaters in this spawn :blink:
well i have pics of the parents but they're sorta old pics :rolleyes: i took those using my friend's digital camera, which i dont' have anymore so sadly i can't take pics of the spawn :(
the old ones are good. the newborns are a week old now, they are gorwing (i think) and i'm doing two water changes a day, feeding like 3 times a day (okay twice if i slack :p)
i have 2 batches of fry, and one spawn going on right now. The oldest batch are 6 weeks, but unfourantely they seem to be gorwing very slowly becuase i haven't seen any color yet :( so i dont know -_- there are only 7 or so, it wa smy first spawn.

the 2nd batch are only a week old :p pink/white cts i think i havent' answered you because i wnat to riase them first before i start thinking about plans for htem :p

and now i have a 3rd batch coming :)
cutecotton said:
i have 2 batches of fry, and one spawn going on right now. The oldest batch are 6 weeks, but unfourantely they seem to be gorwing very slowly becuase i haven't seen any color yet :( so i dont know -_- there are only 7 or so, it wa smy first spawn.

the 2nd batch are only a week old :p pink/white cts i think i havent' answered you because i wnat to riase them first before i start thinking about plans for htem :p

and now i have a 3rd batch coming :)
dont forget daddy's white so they may be already getting their colour!
well, it's been about 4 hours after i saw their first embrace, the female has been removed. and the male seeems to be tending to the nest okay, but lets keep our fingers crossed!

females hapilly back in her 1.5g next to my other males. Going to kepe her here for a few days and give her a break before putting her back in her tank. She's such a pig, just released her about 2 mins ago and she's already eaten 6 pellets! must have been a little hungry :p

as for the spawn, the mommy was red too so i expected to see some reddish coloring to them -_- but nothing yet so....:X

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