3rd Batch Of Fry And Still No Males

Peter C

Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2012
Reaction score
Carlisle. England
Why would my guppies only be giving birth to males??

Iv got an endless supply of females now which is good in a way as I can sell them back to my LFS

But I'd like some males as they look better and will sell easier

How old are all you 3 batches of fry ?? As from what I understand it can take a few months for the males to develop
Ahhh I think my guppy fry took between 3-4 months till they showed which sex and I have to say out of say 30 fry 10 was male.

I noticed that my males and females sortve stayed in groups of same sex strangely enough.

Might be the same with yours and if all else fails try and look for the obv male parts and to see if they start pestering others more
I can quite accurately tell my females by 1 month, but my males taken 2-3 months to be sure (usually its the body colors coming before I see the gonopodium)... I've had one take over 4 months to show a gonopodium.

I'm guessing, if you have some that aren't showing gravid spots, chances are they are males.
All the ones that have a gravid spot are females. The ones that don't are males and it is possible to sex them when they are 2-3 weeks old. The black dot is quite visible on the females. It's highly unlikely they are all females.
Some help....


Male (who surprisingly grew up to have a blue and black tail with no yellow! :lol: ... he's the super late bloomer I mentioned who is in my avi)

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