30 Gallon Cube Stocking


New Member
Sep 16, 2012
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Hi there! My tank is cycled and right now I have 6 rasboras and a dwarf gourami in my tank. I would love to add an angelfish or two but I hear they can get aggressive if they do not like each other or if they are breeding so I figure I would get just one am I correct on that? I have also heard that angels will try to eat otos and can get their fins stuck in their throats! I want a bottom feeder that wont outgrow my tank and otos are the only thing I can find that I like so far. Here are a couple ideas I have had for stocking my tank. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

1 dwarf gourami
6 rasboras
2 angelfish
3 guppies

1 dwarf gourami
6 rasboras
1 angelfish
5 guppies
5 cardnial tetras

1 dwarf gourami
1 angelfish
5 platy
3 Otos
8 rasboras
or maybe this?

1 dwarf gourami
1 angelfish
5 platy
5 cory catfish
6 rasboras

Are cories compatable with the other fish?
Otos are great little fish, but tend to do better in larger groups [5 or 6] might increase your chances of seeing them as they tend to hide a lot. And depending on tank depth, angels may not fit. So you should also post your tank dimension. I would add more rasboras [what species?] to fill it out. Corydoras are recommended to have sand rather than gravel to protect their barbels, just fyi.
Otos are great little fish, but tend to do better in larger groups [5 or 6] might increase your chances of seeing them as they tend to hide a lot. And depending on tank depth, angels may not fit. So you should also post your tank dimension. I would add more rasboras [what species?] to fill it out. Corydoras are recommended to have sand rather than gravel to protect their barbels, just fyi.

I have harlequin rasboras. My tank is a 30 gallon cube.

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