30 Gallon Breeder Tank Stock

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Sep 23, 2013
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So my friend bought my 30 gallon long breeder tank off of me a while back. And she has been in the process of moving so she hasn't set it up yet!
She knows absolutely nothing about fish keeping... so hopefully she is going to let me help her set it up! I'm excited. I love doing it, but don't have anymore tanks to do myself...
Well... to the main point! She doesn't know what to put in it! I was hoping she was going to take some guppies off my hands... but she has pretty much decided no guppies! (That and until I figure out for sure what these worms in my tank are, I don't want to give away anymore fish out of that tank.)
The only thing she for sure knows she wants is a pleco! The second she told me that, I said please don't go buy a common from Walmart!!!! They get way too big! So... I'm going to get her a free BN or two. Do you think two would be OK in a 30 gallon? It has more surface area, because its longer than tall. 3 feet long.
So... what other fish would be a good match for that size tank? I need to give her some ideas!
Platies would, they're one of my favorite fish, they come in all sorts of colours. max size is 2'' Also its easy to see if they're male or female so she can choose if she wants both or not. Platies are live bearers as well as Guppies, Mollies etc... 


Here's a link what tells you more about Platies http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/46309-platy/
I'd just do 1 BN, but that's me. Not sure if there would be any consequence to having two of them.
Make sure you get her to cycle the tank :)
Hard to suggest fish as we don't know what she's interested in. Perhaps ya'll could go to the LFS together and you can write down the fish she likes and post it here to give us an idea?
Neon tetras are quite lovely though.
I'll start quizzing her on ideas! Lol.
I was going to donate some filter media from my 29 gallon to help with the cycle. Lol.
I think she wants my sisters one eyed pleco. :) poor fella needs a good home!
Here, i'll list a few of my favorite fish so you can check them out, i'll put a link to a photo next to them - 

Rummynose tetrahttp://www.aquariumdomain.com/images/fish_freshwater/tetra_rummeyNose1.jpg

Celestrial Pearl Danio - http://www.seriouslyfish.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Danio-margaritatus-2.jpg

Harlequin Rasbora - http://merifish.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/2739207784_0a5784aafb_o.jpg

Platy - http://www.aquariumfish.net/images_01/Platy_blue_100514a1_w0480.jpg

All of these are relativity small fish, and im sure they will fit into the tank
lrhodes said:
So my friend bought my 30 gallon long breeder tank off of me a while back. And she has been in the process of moving so she hasn't set it up yet!
She knows absolutely nothing about fish keeping... so hopefully she is going to let me help her set it up! I'm excited. I love doing it, but don't have anymore tanks to do myself...
Well... to the main point! She doesn't know what to put in it! I was hoping she was going to take some guppies off my hands... but she has pretty much decided no guppies! (That and until I figure out for sure what these worms in my tank are, I don't want to give away anymore fish out of that tank.)
The only thing she for sure knows she wants is a pleco! The second she told me that, I said please don't go buy a common from Walmart!!!! They get way too big! So... I'm going to get her a free BN or two. Do you think two would be OK in a 30 gallon? It has more surface area, because its longer than tall. 3 feet long.
So... what other fish would be a good match for that size tank? I need to give her some ideas!
Describe these worms you are seeing
I have a desperate post about them... they are in my gravel. I found them while vacuuming yesterday. They are really thin pink worms. Haven't added any new fish in 3+ months. No fish have mysteriously died. I don't have fish with worms coming out of their butt. The only thing I have found that they look Luke are camallanus worms and tubifex worms....
I fed my fish live insect larvae (mosquito) and I'm thinking maybe there was a tubifex worm or two in with them... and I accidently ended up with a colony of them? But I don't know for sure..
Separate * not desperate....

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