30 Gal Tank


New Member
Jun 25, 2013
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Hey I am new here and I have a 30 gal tank with a few fish in it. I have blue gourami, oscar, 2 red tailed sharks, 2 rainbow sharks, 1 bala shark, 4 red platies, 1 betta and an placostomua in my tank.
I posted my tank on youtube lastnight so im just going to put that link on here. Tell me what you think and if you think I am doing something wrong please
If it is indeed a new tank with fish, you'll have an algae bloom.. You prob already seen today, You'll have some losses but hopefully not. Goodluck 
what are you talking about. Ive had this tank for a little while. I had a kissing  gourami that grew to about 7 inches in that tank.
that looks really nice! i didn't know you could have oscars in a 30. i have one question though. why isn't it filled up all the way?
I don't know lol. I never fill my tanks to the tank. The Oscar is only going to be in that tank for a few months. When I moved into my new house I put my 75 in a moving truck and when it got to my house it was crack on my side. The same thing happened to my 29 octigan tank. The crack in the 29 is not that bad. Its at the bottom and its about 2 inches and I thought about fixing it. Not sure if im going to yet.
Unfortunately, your tank is poorly stocked. :(
Bala sharks and schooling fish that get 10"+. So a group of 6, a proper school, will need a 125 gallon as adults.

Depending on the species of pleco, which is probably a common, it'll get 20"+ and need a 80-100 gallon as an adult.

It's great that you're upgrading the Oscar, he'll certainly outgrow the tank. I would be wary of the gourami and the betta, though. They are closely related and sometimes fight. So keep an eye on them.
A more proper stocking would be like this:
1 Blue Gourami OR 1 betta
4 red platys
8-10 small tetras like cardinals, rummynose tetras, penguin tetras, black neons, bloodfin tetras, or possibly black skirts. OR more livebearers like swordtails
Also the Oscar will tear up the bettas fins. I did this when I was a kid and it was badddd! They were the same size but still the Oscar eventually killed the poor betta. I would get the betta out as soon as possible.
did no one read what happened to my other tanks. im trying to get a 55 or 75 right. also ive never seen a bala in a tank that got above 7. My dad and one in a 125 for years and it got maybe 7 1/2. So 10 is a little much. This is why I never post on these kinda sites. lol. First and last thread here. Peace out
Wow, you don't have to be so immature, people are just giving you advice. You don't need another tank to rehome a betta, you just give it away rather then let it get killed. At least that's what most people do, unless they don't really care as it seems you don't.
Noahsfish said:
Wow, you don't have to be so immature, people are just giving you advice. You don't need another tank to rehome a betta, you just give it away rather then let it get killed. At least that's what most people do, unless they don't really care as it seems you don't.
Ouch! He just said he didn't post on these sites because there are people who snap at him and then you go and do that! :p
@ OP- there are some issues with your stocking, blue gourami, oscar, 2 red tailed sharks, 2 rainbow sharks, 1 bala shark, and an placostomua in my tank should all ideally have larger tanks. :/
"Tell me if I am doing something wrong."

I saw something wrong and I told you. Nobody was rude or insulting. We did EXACTLY what you asked. Your 75 is not gonn be big enough, sorry. I'd really appreciate it if you stayed, this forums a good resource for information.
TallTree01 said:
Wow, you don't have to be so immature, people are just giving you advice. You don't need another tank to rehome a betta, you just give it away rather then let it get killed. At least that's what most people do, unless they don't really care as it seems you don't.
Ouch! He just said he didn't post on these sites because there are people who snap at him and then you go and do that! :p@ OP- there are some issues with your stocking, blue gourami, oscar, 2 red tailed sharks, 2 rainbow sharks, 1 bala shark, and an placostomua in my tank should all ideally have larger tanks. :/
Haha, must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, that's twice somebodys "ouched" at me today! I admit, I was a bit harsh, but if you read through the order of the posts nobody "snapped" at him before he said he was never posting here again. He actually asked for advice, but when someone pointed out that his stocking was flawed he was somehow offended. I guess what I'm trying to say is if you're on a forum, and you ask for advice, you shouldn't be overly dramatic when your told there's something wrong with your stocking.
Noahsfish said:
Wow, you don't have to be so immature, people are just giving you advice. You don't need another tank to rehome a betta, you just give it away rather then let it get killed. At least that's what most people do, unless they don't really care as it seems you don't.
Ouch! He just said he didn't post on these sites because there are people who snap at him and then you go and do that! :p@ OP- there are some issues with your stocking, blue gourami, oscar, 2 red tailed sharks, 2 rainbow sharks, 1 bala shark, and an placostomua in my tank should all ideally have larger tanks. :/
Haha, must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, that's twice somebodys "ouched" at me today! I admit, I was a bit harsh, but if you read through the order of the posts nobody "snapped" at him before he said he was never posting here again. He actually asked for advice, but when someone pointed out that his stocking was flawed he was somehow offended. I guess what I'm trying to say is if you're on a forum, and you ask for advice, you shouldn't be overly dramatic when your told there's something wrong with your stocking.
Upon closer inspection, you're right. There was indeed no snappage until after he said he wasn't gonna post no more. :)

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