3 Panda Corys Feeding


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2014
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hi folks
sorry to bother has again but i have 3 panda cores in my tank and i have veggie tablets for them for feeding but i find that one tablet is too much for them and i have food floating about in my tank after feeding.
what I'm wondering is can i just half a tablet or am i better to change food totally? 
thanks again :) 
Actually you would be better off changing food altogether, as corydoras aren't really vegetarian; their main diet in the wild is worms and small insect larvae, although you can break up tablet foods and it won't do them any harm.
My cories get catfish pellets (the New Era and JMC ones are both liked by mine) every day (except Sundays, when they all have a fast day) and frozen bloodworm or brineshrimp once a week. They get any bits of flake or high protein granules the other fish miss as well, of course, but all catfish need their own food (not that you think that, obviously, just for anyone else reading the thread :) )
The right amount of food can be difficult to judge for beginners but if you remember that most small tropical fish have a stomach about the size of their eye, and need that amount once or twice a day (if they're still growing), then you shouldn't go far wrong.
I agree with Fluttermoth, corys are not vegetarian they need a high percentage of protein in their diet.
I also use the New era pellets & mine get bloodworm, lobster eggs & cyclops as well 4/5 times a week.
If you have space in your tank I'd up the numbers as corys do best in larger groups
thanks again fulttermoth once again told the wrong info from my LFS they told me thats what they feed them and that it was best for them, will look for some catfish pellets tomorrow.
thank I'm just gonna ask you lot in future lol 
thank little fishy unfortunately I'm at my tank limit now :( i want a bigger tank tho lol.
i will get them some catfish pellets tomorrow
And everyday? i was told to only feed every 2nd day.... 
grrr do my LFS know anything lol 
Lfs, even some of the best ones unfortunately often give wrong advice, always best to get a second opinion :)
I made the same mistake; I had otos in my smaller tank, then got the cories.  And thought they were vegetarians like the otos.  I bought catfish pellets from Kens.
Corys must act different in the jolly uk than what they does(sic) here in 'merika...
My corys has no issue eating weggie pellets.. even weggie pellets has 30% or so of protein..
I am just surprised there was no comments on the size of the panda population..
only three? we all know corys must be kept in schools of at least six..
well unfortunately i can't get anymore as I'm at my tank limit but will change the food and get some catfish pellets 
thanks again folks

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