3 Fish Died


New Member
Apr 23, 2012
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Last week I had two fish die, an Orange Platy and a Black Molly. I tested the water to find the NO3 was very high around the 80 ppm figure. I changed 50% of the water, added Tetra NitrateMinus and a few drops of SeaChem Prime.

Today I have a Neon Tetra dead. I have tested the water again but there is nothing unusual.

NH4 - <0.05 ppm
NO2 - 0.04 ppm
NO3 - 10 ppm

Any advice?

P.S I have only had the Orange Platy for about two weeks, prior to this I haven't had any fish die.
Your tank hasn't fully cycled your nitrite should be at 0ppm same for ammonia. Keep doing daily water changes till they are both at zero for at least a week don't add any more fish. You have suffered the common new tank syndrome don't be disheartened though we all go through it.

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