29G Betta Tank Mates


New Member
Feb 27, 2012
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ive set up a 29g tank with a penguin 200 on it for my 5yr old daughter. i cycled it with 10 zebra dnios and 4 neons.
i cant decide what to stock it with im planning on taking out the danios i think but idk what im gonna put in after i move the betta from its 1.5g tank.
i know im gonna leave the 4 neons and ive added 3 albino corys. So what do you think what recommendations do you have.
you can put a school of glow light tetras in there or harlequins or cardinal tetras (they were recommended to me when i asked)
im getting a school of false harlequins or glowlight tetras for my girls in my 30g, be careful with neons because they can be fin nippers in smaller numbers i would add 2 more neon tetras and a few more cory's since their schooling fish and they should be in numbers of 5 or 6 or more
you should ideally up the number of neons to 6 at least so they wont be nippy and show aggesion towards the betta
you should also up the number of albinos as they are schooling fish and should be placed in groups of 6 minimum, or else you wont see them as much. if i may ask. did you do research on the albinos before you purchased them, because most people just buy them to clean the bottom but they ideally should have supplemented diets of algae wafers, catfish pellets, frozen or live foods such as bloodworms.
6 neons
1 betta
6 cories
I would aim for maybe another small group of fish such as endlers and and bump up the number of neons to 12
1 betta
12 neons
3 endlers
6 albino cories
If you're talking 29 imperial gallons = 131 litres, I would keep the betta out (male right) and then you can have quite a range of fish no problem.

Move the betta to a planted 5 gallon on its own.

And if its 29 US gallons, you've still got 100 odd litres, which is still abit big for a betta.

Betta fish really minimise what you can put with them, they are far too tempting for many fish to nibble on, and smaller timid fish will be stressed by the big flaring bully.

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