29 Gallon Freshwater Tank Suggestions?

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Oct 10, 2014
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Several (5) weeks ago, I got a 29 gallon used tank, It's been done cycling for about a week, and I need suggestions of what kind of fish to put in it!
What I have in it right now; A Bristlenose pleco and A panda Cory (He had buddies but I had a betta in there with them, and he killed all but one, I rehomed the betta :l )
& a Marimo moss ball

The goal: Get some more buddies for my poor lonely Cory, probably a total of a group of 5 or 6
Some kind of small schooling/shoaling fish (2 inches max or under), I like white clouds, but my tank stays 75 degrees and I'm pretty sure that's a bit too warm for them.
and a few bigger fish ( by bigger I mean a MAX of 4", no bigger than that)

I have soft water, PH of 7.6 and I keep the temperature at 75 degrees farenheight;

Filtration: Tetra Advanced Power Filter 20-40 gallon
Heater: Tetra 30-60 gallon 200w submersible heater

to give you an example: my stocking in my 29 gallon tank is 3 Julii cory, 1 skunk cory, 1 nanus cory, 2 Bolivian ram, 2 otos, 6 rummynose, and 10 neon tetra---the Bolivian ram could be your show fish as they get about 3 inches and have great personalities. 5 or 6 cory of one type is best--mine due to circumstances (deaths etc) just worked out to be a mix but they all get along fine---my water is neutral ph and 76 degrees
Put in some  bamboo shrimp and assassin snails my fav! also some gouramis will be cool. you could have some Killifish, maybe Some Stripey PachyPanchax (striped panchax)
harlequin rasbora are a hardy schooling fish, and active too. I have a school in my 36 gallon with a school of bloodfin tetras, which are fun to watch as well.

Before a massive ich outbreak which killed off pretty much my whole tank I had von rio tetras, which can have some pretty nice color.
I have 10 harlequin rasbora in my 35 gallon--nice schooling fish
along with 5 skirt tetras and a BN pleco
May I ask how you cycled the tank? What are the dimensions? I assume something like 30"x12"x18" but want to be sure :)
For a 30 gallon tank, I would take a look at Neon Tetras, Rasboras, and other schooling fish, with a slightly larger fish that will stand out.

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