28L Stocking


Fish Herder
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm currently debating whether to rehome my pygmy cories (see thread in the corydoras section) and I'm wondering what could go in place of them if I did decide to rehome them. I know I'll be having a betta in there, but I'm wondering what else. My thought was a couple of male endlers (three?), but I wasn't sure if there were any other options out there. I don't want to get something and it not be right, you see - if those adorable little guys go, I want something nice to replace them ;)

So, any ideas?

28 litres equates to about 6 imperial gallons; call it a 5 gallon tank for the sake of displacement. A better and 3 cories would be good, still a bit of a push but it should still be manageable :) I wouldn't go for shrimp with a Betta, as I understand it, the Betta will attempt to eat them. I could be wrong but I'm sure I've heard something like that somewhere!
I wouldn't go for shrimp with a Betta, as I understand it, the Betta will attempt to eat them. I could be wrong but I'm sure I've heard something like that somewhere!

It's a bit hit and miss with shrimp. I do currently have around 9-10 young shrimp in there at the moment around 1.5-2cm long so I do hope my new betta, when I get one, doesn't think they're lunch (or does that create an excuse for another tank? :lol: ).
Why not just move the betta in with the pygmy cories? Bettas, in most cases, are nice gentle tank mates and the pygmy cories will certainly not cause any troubles.

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