20L Fish Tank And Tropical Fish.


New Member
Jul 26, 2012
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When moving my goldfish to a bigger tank, their current 20L will become available.

I was wondering if I could keep any tropical fish (with a heater etc) in this tank? And if so, how many/types. I'd prefer really small and colorful fish, but also easy to keep :)

I was thinking 3-4 male 'guppy' fish, or is this too small for them?
Any suggestions would be good! :) thanks!
20L is to small for guppies. you could put some microrasbora in there or a betta or some shrimp :good:
Okay :) I just liked the look of my mother in laws guppys, was just asking :)

Are there any small really colorful fish I could have? I'd like them to be able to stay in the tank (not get bigger) and have 2 minimum :)
microrasbora are colourful i think. but iv got a 20L as well. with 5 endlers guppies in them, but to my disappointment. (my dad insisted and the tanks in his care)

you could have a shrimp tank. or put a betta in there... the tanks small so your fairly limmited :crazy: :sad:
I wanted more than one fish :(

How hard are shrimp to keep? :)

Thanks for your help by the way!
all depends on the type of shrimp. iv only got amano's myself but im going to be getting a colour morph of cherry shrimp (which iv heard are easy to keep) :good:

is the tank long or tall? whats the dimensions?
I'll get a link for you..

That one.

It's 21L, but i say 20 because it isn't full & i have stones at the bottom :)
ohh its taller than it is wider thats not to good for schooling fish (or so i read on here) :crazy:

this is my 20L tank it used to have a betta in it until it died (from me overdosing liquid carbon, but we all make mistakes) :grr: :sad:

How on earth do you make it look so pretty! :p I can never do that...

My new tank is longer than higher...so completely different. Also means more 'floor' space to put stuff on! :)

I guess I could just keep it as an emergency..#39####..i really wanted tropical fish!
The only fish that spring to mind would be either a single betta, or a single dwarf puffer.

Puffers are a lot more sensitive than betta's so I would advise a lot of reading if you decide to go down that route. And a water test kit would be essential in keeping one IMO.
its not pretty atm i took that after day 2 of setting up... its got a little algae in it now :angry:
to be honest its the plants and the sand. heres a pic of when i first started (very first tank)


thats not topical and the fish in it 1 died but 1's now in my pond outside (it was a conmen carp i got off the fair i think) :good:

I like umm...cherry shrimp is it? :) I might get them..Do they need the same care as fish?
cherry shrimp are easy to care for. they might need a slightly different food but there small. if your thinking of cherry shrimp you want some plants in there (it will brighten there colours and also they'll feel safer, they breed like hell apparently. so its also a good place for them to lay there eggs)
Breed like hell? Oh god :(

I made the mistake of keeping a pest snail I found, putting it in a giant glass vase (no filter or anything, just water and some plant) and now I have 20-30 of them...but i can't kill them! Im an animal lover! XD

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