To be fair, hockey has radically reduced fighting. When I played, you fought, even in kids games. It was an awful sports culture, even if it was kind of fun. Now, the league is expanding exponentially, and the problem is a radical watering down of talent. The players are generally dull. More athletic, highly trained and mostly all the same skills-wise. Uncreative.
I was very tall, so I was pushed to basketball, but I hated the game. Too much scoring. In every sport, I liked playing defence first. I love a 1-0 game. That's why I've gravitated to football/soccer.
American and Canadian football don't work for me. Too hiccupy, too many commercial breaks. No flow. I know, the NFL says a game is 14-7, and it's logically 2 to 1. That's a neat trick to make things sound more exciting.
Baseball is slow. I don't mind the rule changes. I don't like the DH, but I can live with it. When I'm at a game, I watch the infield, especially the corners. That's where I played, and I love to see the game within the game TV doesn't show you.
I think we all prefer games we played and enjoyed. I don't like scorers. They can be nice people, I guess, but they choose evil. I was a goalie. They all scored on me.

I'll take a good play at third over a home run any day. My interests represent nothing in the sports world!