20 Gallon Community Tank, Thoughts?


Fish Crazy
Aug 30, 2012
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I went to my LFS today and looked around, decided I'm gonna start small with a 20 gallon planted tank. I think I'm gonna go with full-spectrum bulbs for the plants, which I have not yet decided on. I'm most likely just gonna go to the store and buy some when I want some. I've mostly decided on what fish I'm going to get, but I have another 3-ish weeks before I can even get the tank and start cycling, so I'm sure to change my mind. Here's what I've got so far:

Probably around 6 cardinal tetras, as I hear they like having friends to school with.
Bolivian ram cichlid.
Neon blue dwarf gourami (possibly 2 if there's room).

I'm assuming with the two algae-eaters that the tank walls/decor should stay mostly clean? I can get a magnetic cleaner as well, as I'm not really strapped for cash. Tell me if you think any of these fish won't work together, as I don't want any of my fish dying soon. On the fish compatibility charts, nothing said they couldn't be together, so I think they should be fine, but tell me if you think otherwise. All the fish I've chosen seem to be able to live in the same temp water, pH, and KH. Anyways, just let me know.
The stock sounds okay, but you have chosen a couple of sensitive fish, the most prone to problems being the dwarf gouramis. They are exceptionally hard to keep alive, and are particularly vulnerable to dropsy (bloating/internal infection). The cardinals require an established tank with good water parameters, so I'd recommend adding them last to your aquarium.
As for lighting, I'd go with two T5 tubes, and they don't have to be an aquarium brand. You can find them for under a tenner on eBay (in most pet stores they'll be 20 quid+ each).
if your going with the Plecostamus he will up root your planted tank soo fast, that's what mine did and i moved him to my other tank that is cold water and does not have any plants. and they can grow up to 24 inches i believe if they have enough room. in my 20 gallon he is about 7 inches, not including fins

stay with the Otocinclus they are great little guys and wont do any harm to your plants :) i have them in my planted tanks

the powder blue gouramis are very nice to a tank, and will be fine with plants, but will nip at them a bit, but nothing major.

the cardinal tetras are great fish

but the Bolivian ram cichlid might go after the neons, but im not too sure with these fish.
if your going with the Plecostamus he will up root your planted tank soo fast, that's what mine did and i moved him to my other tank that is cold water and does not have any plants. and they can grow up to 24 inches i believe if they have enough room. in my 20 gallon he is about 7 inches, not including fins

stay with the Otocinclus they are great little guys and wont do any harm to your plants :) i have them in my planted tanks

the powder blue gouramis are very nice to a tank, and will be fine with plants, but will nip at them a bit, but nothing major.

the cardinal tetras are great fish

but the Bolivian ram cichlid might go after the neons, but im not too sure with these fish.
Do you think one otocinclus will be enough, or should I put in two?

The stock sounds okay, but you have chosen a couple of sensitive fish, the most prone to problems being the dwarf gouramis. They are exceptionally hard to keep alive, and are particularly vulnerable to dropsy (bloating/internal infection). The cardinals require an established tank with good water parameters, so I'd recommend adding them last to your aquarium.
As for lighting, I'd go with two T5 tubes, and they don't have to be an aquarium brand. You can find them for under a tenner on eBay (in most pet stores they'll be 20 quid+ each).
What would you recommend instead of the gouramis? Thanks.
You want as many Otto cats as possible, they are very social fish, so try and have at least 6. And avoid those magnet cleaners (crap), and just use a normal household sponge for algae cleaning. You will no doubt have a few issues with algae when the cycle begins, so try and have quite a few plants to compete with it (your lighting will promote algae growth, especially with it being a new tank).
As for replacing the gouramis, I'll leave upto you, I'm quite tired and I should get some sleep (work tomorrow). Have a look at the fish index on here, that should give you a few ideas. ; )
Bolivian Rams are very tolerant community fish and will not go after Neons, or any of the other fish on your list. Should be fine.

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