So im' going to upgrade to a bigger tank (90 maybe 100), i was wondering if i took the old filtration from my 55 and all the water from it + gravel i could really jump start the cycle and maybe skip over it? treating like a 50% water change of course. Then i would add the rest as dechlorinated water. will this work? or will i still need to cycle?
Also i was thinking of getting a Black ghost knife when i upgraded, currently in my 55 i had 5 giant danios, 3 glass catfish, 5 tiger barbs, 6 mollies ( 3 black 2 dalmation 1 gold dust) 2 red wag platies, red tailed shark, blue crayfish, ghost shrimp, fiddler crab, chinese algae eater, 5 kuhli's and 1 stick catfish. WIll the BGK be aggressive? will it be enough room for him if it isn't? If not could i go with a dinosaur birchir eel instead? or just drop the eels altogether and get some more communities?
Any help is appreciated!
Also i was thinking of getting a Black ghost knife when i upgraded, currently in my 55 i had 5 giant danios, 3 glass catfish, 5 tiger barbs, 6 mollies ( 3 black 2 dalmation 1 gold dust) 2 red wag platies, red tailed shark, blue crayfish, ghost shrimp, fiddler crab, chinese algae eater, 5 kuhli's and 1 stick catfish. WIll the BGK be aggressive? will it be enough room for him if it isn't? If not could i go with a dinosaur birchir eel instead? or just drop the eels altogether and get some more communities?
Any help is appreciated!