2 Ft Species Only Bristle Nose Tank


Nov 6, 2008
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On Sunday I will be collecting an existing Bristle nose set up. They are a breeding pair and got too much for the person who owns them. He was in the process of shutting the tank down when they spawned and now they have had around 2-3 batches of young.

I have helped the fella rehome a good few of the fry and now he just wants the tank gone. So I have decided to take it on as a little project and keep it as a species only tank. Could be interesting right?

I think the tank is only around 2 ft long but I want to set up this tank properly from the very start so a little help would be appreciated.

I'm looking to plant the tank with region specific plants and decor if possible, use sand for substrate and hopefully use a small Co2 setup.

So i really need to know;

Which type of sand is best?

Do i need to use any aquarium soil under the sand?

Which Co2 system for a setup of this size? are there any hang on types that don't require a huge canister? The tank will be sitting on a chest of drawers and has no storage space underneath for external filters and fire extinguishers and the like...

Which type of wood/root will be best to use for the Plecs rasping?

Thanks in advance
The hang on type of co2 won't last very long and will become very expensive for you.

I wouldnt bother with soil either. BN's take great pleasure in disturbing the substrate so if they get through to the soil layer the mess will be awful.

Obviously caves small enough for the male to trap the female in will be needed too. I would also go with a small group of Tetras so that there is something to look at.

A high protein diet supplemented witb vegetables, spirulina and algae wafers will help to condition them then carry out a large water change with cool water will help to encourage them to spawn.

Good luck mate.
Good point about the tetras, maybe something nice and small that won't bother the eggs and youngsters, rummy noses or something like that.

I'm hoping to get this little set up nice and planted with healthy looking plants and bog wood. Will plants grow well enough in just a sandy substrate? Or should i do anything else?

I suppose i'll have to think of another option concerning the Co2. Healthy plants and growth are a must here so any ideas would be great guys and girls.
Rummynoses are too big and active for a 2ft. Neons would be a better option.

With the plants you could go for easy stuff like anubias, java fern and crypts. That way you won't need to be adding ferts and co2. Also, limit your light to 5-6 hours a day.

You will need strong filtration in a pleco tank though...
I would forget the carbon dioxide and go for Anubias, simply because BN appreciate a tank with good flow. However, I cannot see how you can permanently keep a breeding pair in a 2 foot tank, producing loads of waste themselves even before fry come along. Besides not skimping on the filtration, you will almost certainly need to do regular large water changes (as in twice weekly) to freshen the water while syphoing out the mountians of poop.

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